Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Fourty Day: Live Life Project Devotional

I wanted to share with you guys something that is really helping me . . .  Join me in a forty day journey to finding purpose. . . .

I am a fan of the book, but I am also a fan of this journal . . . I would suggest you go buy it or just write your reflections in a notebook.  For copy right reasons, I can't copy the prompts in the journal, but I can give you my thoughts and elaborate on the scriptures for you.  So, I decided that I am going to write a Devotional!

I love spending time with the Lord. Often times life gets busy and we loose focus of what is really important. Living a surrendered life to the instructions of the Holy Spirit will guarantee that we are doing the will of our father.  We can't afford taking chances on this anymore.  I encourage you to start your relationship with God today.

As we get older we realize that planning is a good tool to use if we want to stay committed to anything.  Hence, I am planning to created a 40 day devotional for this project.  However, I only have a week! This means that I am going to set up 5 devotional blog posts for the next 8 days!  I will save them under a page called devotionals to where you can take your time over the next 40 days reading and reflecting.

This will definitely be a challenge for me, but it will be a good review.  This will not be exactly like the journal by Rick Warren, so if you want to go buy that you can.  I had my own notebook with my own thoughts about what it means to live a Purpose Driven Life in this day in time.  So i encourage you to follow along today and start building your relationship with the Lord.  You may even like to start your own devotional . . . Get close and personal with God!

Take it Day by Day.  Love you with the Love of the Lord.  God Bless you.

I will add the link here once the project is complete


Before we start the devotional you should know the five main purposes that Rick Warren highlighted in the Journal:


1) You are here for God's Pleasure

2) You were formed for God's Family

3) You were created to become like Christ

4) You were made to serve God

5) You were made for a mission 

These are very important things to think about before we start our devotional journey.

Pray for me because I just made this commitment to God, to you, and to myself so it is my intention to do all that I say!

Until Next Time


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