Monday, February 26, 2018

Day 30: Live Life Devotional

Have confidence in God’s strength

When we have confidence in God’s strength, we can make it through anything. He is made strong in our weakness, which means that we have to learn how to let go.

This is a lesson that I am learning right now. I’m a teacher and I realize that many teachers have control issues as well as authority complexes. I want to be in charge. I have to learn how to “let go, and let God!”

This is a different kind of let go compared to modern day interpretations. Letting go and letting God, doesn’t mean that we become reclusive and non-caring of the progress of our brothers and sisters. We must strive to the mark of the higher calling that God has for us. We must be doers of the word and not only hearers of the word.  We must learn application. Our belief must be so strong that we start to see dreams manifest in our lives.  We must be so consistent that we start to see our faith work. We must keep trusting that God will do everything that he said he will do. We must know that we can do anything we set our minds to.

I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

This is the verse that you need to meditate on night and day for many years to come! You can do this. You can live this life on purpose!! Have confidence in the word of God.



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