Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wisdom Wednesday: DR. Leaf

I had such a busy day today friends!  And Wednesday is almost over. . .   This is supposed to be my writing day, but I was doing more running around and prepping for my first day of school . . .

Yes!  I'm going back to school ya'll!

I'm so excited about expanding my mind and growing in the field that the Lord needs me to go in.  I had been praying and asking God to send me some confirmations on the subject area that I was supposed to study.  The Lord confirmed that I was doing the right thing, he confirmed that it is the right time, now the only thing I have to do is to trust in him.  I have to allow my mind to receive the many blessing he has in store for me . . . He sets everything up right on time, he is doing the same thing for you.

Get your Wisdom on!

I pray for all of you who are starting a new chapter in their lives.  God be with you.  God be for you.  May he watch over you and give you peace in your journey.  May his face shine upon you.  Glory be to our father in Heaven that his children are seen as blessed.

Friend, know that you are blessed.  Know that if God is for you, you are well taking care of.

Who can be against you?

I didn't really want to spend too much time on the motivation part but I guess that just happens! LOL
What I wanted to show you was a video that I saw from Dr. Leaf about the mind brain connection.  I am so interested in how the brain works, which will be part of my study in school.  I was so impressed with Dr. Caroline Leaf that I said to myself  "I want to be able to speak in front of people like she does and know what I'm talking about."  She gives great insight to how God made us, made our brains, and made our minds.  God has blessed her with much wisdom and she is sharing it with us so that we have a better understanding how to take care of ourselves.  

I have always promoted healthy eating, healthy life style choices, and having an exercise regimen.  The eating part is something that I am going to be even more conscious of  while I'm in school.  I want my mind to be in top shape so that I can get out of it all that I need to get out of it.  Also, I warn my students and my children about the dangers of processed food and GMO's (genetically modified organisms).  We, as believers need to stand up for what is right.  We need to be aware that the food that we are consuming is doing nothing for our nutritional value.  We must start eating healthier and smarter.


(watch the video to find out what real food is)

Before I link the video, let me plug her book called

"Think and Eat Yourself Smart"

I wonder if she knows that she is teaching Kingdom?

-detoxing your mind and detoxing your body
-understanding the power of the mind
-Understanding your food source

Awesome teacher, check her out

Going to bed now
night night
Until Next Time

About the Author of this blog

My name is Tamorra and I am the art teacher for purpose.  I write, create, and promote information that will help you find your purpose in life.  I want to encourage you to live your life on purpose by using your gifts, your talents, and your abilities to help expand the Kingdom purpose.  Let us help each other by loving each other.  Let us love as Jesus loves.  Let us help spread his message of everlasting life.


I encourage you to read this blog so that you can learn what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to his people. . .

. . . hey, go ahead and click the follow button on the side so that you don't miss any new posts . . .

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I would appreciate any shares so that you can help me spread this message about the Kingdom!!!

This is good stuff and I just want to thank you for your comments, your shares, and for my readers.

The Lion, The Witch, and The War

People are waking up all over the world.  Why?  Because it is the end of the world!

So many people are in search of a spiritual awakening.  I am as well.  However, I am learning that for those who have no connection to the truth of Jesus Christ, it is very easy for these souls to be led to witch craft, new age philosophies, and the occult. Perhaps, it is your necessary journey to go through the negative demonic experiences you are going through.  Perhaps, there is no other way for you to come face to face with your necessary 180 degree mind shift.  You must fall, in order to finally realize that you need a savior! However, I suggest that you just accept the Lord today and skip all the unnecessary heart ache.

I pray to the Lord all the time: 

"Lord save me from myself and my wrong thinking about this life."

I extend this prayer to you, not as a judgment but as a love offering to say: "The Lord is calling you with an everlasting love.  You are important to him.  You are important to the Kingdom."

I am on a journey to find my true purpose.  Along this journey I have came into the awareness of the higher power.  I have come into the knowledge that no matter how much, or how long I study about the universe and it's many facades, I will never be God.  I was created in the image of God, but it was never my purpose to become God or even be a god.  I am learning how to be content in the place where God has placed me.   I am learning to trust in the Lord, and his omniscient plan.  He knows every step that my life should go, so I partner up with him to know the way to my everlasting life.

We look for ways to live everlasting . . .

By following Jesus I have learned that everyone will live an everlasting life.  EVERYONE!!!  The thing is, everyone is a spirit and spirits don't die.  So, we then have a choice to live a free life or a life of eternal bondage and slavery.

The thing is, I understand how crazy this may sound to a person who is living on the outside of the spiritual awakening.  One may call me Psychotic.  They may say that I am having delusions and need to be on medication.  However, I know that what I believe is real.  I know that there are angels and demons, an afterlife and a secret war going on for my soul.

I bring this whole subject up because I have a younger nephew who swears that he knows all he needs to know about life.  He is getting into witches and black magic.  He told me that these things intrigue him because they have power.  I had to explain to him that although God has opened up his mind to see things that others can't see, he is not to dabble in crafts of the occult. 

Here is the thing, this younger generation is very into spiritual power.  They are looking for an answer to this dismal life.  Why isn't the church teaching about spiritual gifts?  Why aren't the younger generation equipped with the spiritual weapons they need to navigate through all this attack!

My nephew has been in church all his life.   I know that he is being drawn away by spiritual wickedness.  He will either learn the easy way or the hard way.  He should not be searching elsewhere for a spiritual awakening.  We must teach our children early that they are special and special to God.  We must ask God:  How do we teach our children about their spiritual gifts?  How do we help our children grow in the power that God has giving them.

We should have among us:








 etc. . .

These are the spiritual weapons that will help us in the war.  This is the power that the Holy Spirit has left us in the Lion of Judah.

Who and what is the Lion?

Jesus is the Lion of Judah.  In the natural flesh he is a descendant of the tribe of Judah, and an inheritor of covenant blessings from this tribe and blood line.  In the spiritual, he is the son of God and the slain lamb of God.  When his spirit left his natural body, he became a living spirit dwelling with us and with in us.  We now identify this spirit as the Holy Spirit.

The Lion has power to rise up against the enemy.  It is important to know that any spirit that operates in this realm can only do so, legally, through an earthly body.  Hence, when you accept Jesus as your personal savior, his spirit can operate freely in you. This is a great mystery of Jesus Christ.  He is gathering a people to himself, to be his servants and his witnesses:

8Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.
9Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
10The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
Genesis 49 8-10

And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
Revelation 5:5

Hebrew Meaning: The name Shiloh is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Shiloh is: The one to whom it belongs. In the bible Shiloh is a prophetic name for the Messiah; Also Shiloh is significant as the site of a crucial battle in the American Civil War.

The Lion is the mighty one that has defeated the enemy and will do it again. He is the Messiah (the Shiloh).  He is Jesus Christ, our Lord strong and mighty.  Our Lord, mighty in battle.

Who and what is the witch?

We must come to the understanding that we live in a fallen world.  We are humans that grew and multiplied in a world that was already filled with spirits and other beings.  God created a man called Adam in a secret garden.  God later created Eve to help Adam.  Adam and Eve were protected in the Garden from all outside influences.  But, there was a spirit that convinced a snake to give up it's body so that this spirit can introduce "knowledge" to an unaware victim.  Hence, we have the fall of man.  It was a slow and steady decline but mankind grew further and further away from the father.  We literally became "Dumb, and Dumber" dying faster, dying younger.  Why?  Because of disobedience.

Disobedience is not a bad word.  It is just what happened.  Going and moving away from the truth because the sin that lives in the flesh desires pleasure.  There is nothing wrong with feeling pleasure as long as it stays in the parameters of purpose.  However, there is a power of darkness that understands how the flesh works.  There is no fulfilling the flesh.  It is a bottomless pit.

With this understanding, we begin to look at how the flesh can be manipulated, molded, and convinced to do immoral things in order to fulfill the sinful desire that lives inside of man.  There is a science to it.  There is a physics behind it.  There are chemicals and reactions at play that we are mostly ignorant about.  Hence, there are potions and spells being cast on human flesh everyday.  The power comes from the beast, that is being ridden by a great manipulator, the mystery Babylon.  Witchcraft is the manipulator of the flesh.  The study of it and it's science gives you the basis of magic, alchemy, metaphysics, and a host of other witchcraft practices.  Through the study of the water, the air, the earth, and the fire a manipulator finds the secrets to the universe.  But she finds it without complete understanding of the spiritual doors that are being opened during the practice.

There are human witches that practice the craft without knowledge in what this whole thing is really about.  But remember, we live in a fallen world.  A world full of fallen angels that Satan pulled down with him when he was caste out of heaven.  Some which are evil and others wanting to redeem themselves to get back to heaven.  These angels are spirits with out a dwelling place.  They are not inheritors of the earth.  They are not inheritors of your body.  They can only use your body if they are able to deceive you in doing so.  This is the art of Witch Craft: it is a great deception that changes the reality of the truth into a dismal existence of servitude.  There is a spirit behind this.  She is a fallen spirit that wages war against the prophets and the saints.  We see her in the beginning as Lilith, we see her as Semiramus wife of Nimrod, We see her as Jezebel, wife of King Ahab.  We see her in ancient religion and mythology in the concept of Mother/child worship.  We see her in Catholicism.  We see her manifestation in the music, in Hollywood, and in the entertainment industry.  She travels, she mocks, and she is ready for war.  She is pure wickedness.

What is the War?

The war is the battle for your soul.  Your soul is the manifestation of your mind, will, and emotions.  Therefore, your soul is the actual life that you are currently living.  The fallen want to study your life because they want the secret that is in your blood.  The secret of your life is in the blood, which is the life to the flesh.  Therefore, life is in the blood.  Hence, the fallen want the power that is in your blood because they are trying to find a dwelling place.  You won't be here forever but the enemy's kingdom is trying to keep you here for additional study. Also, if these demonic spirits can hinder, delay, and deter you from completing your purpose, they get to keep you in bondage longer.  Consequently, they stay here longer, delaying their sentence of hell fire.

The secrets that lie in your blood, surpasses any knowledge that Satan has stolen from heaven.  In you my friend is the resource for all life.  In you lives the resource that the King has hidden for the rise of his kingdom.  The enemy will stop at nothing to find out this secret.  He will rape you, cheat you, kill you, lie to you, deceive you, and murder your children just to test your blood.  He is trying to figure out, how it is that you can live here, survive, and prosper the way that you do.  If you were really operating at full capacity, you would have overcome the enemy a long time ago.  But remember disobedience, remember the witchcraft behind the manipulation of the mind.  There is a battle for your mind.  Your full mind will be the spoils of the war.

The Adversary wants your mind for his personal pleasure and for the building up of his Kingdom.  The Lord wants your mind which is often referred to as your heart in the scriptures.  The Lord also wants your heart for the building up of his Kingdom.

The Fallen are here on this earth tricking people to let them use their body, not realizing the true agenda of these fallen demons.  These demons will lie to people to get what they want.  What do they want? What do they need?  Well, they need a dwelling place.  They lost their place in heaven and they need a new place to live for eternity.  They're spirits, so they will never die.  Currently, they understand that they are running out of time in this spiritual war.  They cannot figure out the secret to the blood.  Now, they turn to an artificial dwelling place (AI) because they understand the fire that will come to destroy this earth.  They will save the DNA of humans and proceed in their experimentation.  We will have a "Matrix" situation going on.

The enemy still operates under the laws and rules of the Father in heaven.  He is limited, but he gains ground by limiting us.  We don't know who we are.  Our hearts live in vanity and we are separated from our creator.  This is not good for us in this war.  It is time for us to wake up and gain insight about what is really going on in this world.

I know this all sounds pretty PSYCHOTIC!!!  The Lord told me people will not believe me.  The only ones who will hear it will be believers.  True believers know how to fight this enemy.  We fight through prayer and fasting.  This is the war for us.  We pray to the Lord to protect us from all of our enemies that come to destroy us in this fallen world.  We shall fear nothing, but we shall fight the way that he needs us to fight.  We will pray how he needs us to pray.  This is the War for us.  This is how we fight against the powers of darkness.

We pray:

Our Father that is heaven

Holy is your name

There is no other God like you

When your kingdom comes to this earth

Your will, will be done

We thank you for your city

New Jerusalem is coming down to us

We are thankful for the fulfillment of your word

We praise your name for everything you provide for us

We give thanks and glorify your name

Forgive us for our wrong doing, and our wrong thinking

Lead us away from the evil ways of the world

Teach us the ways of your Kingdom

The Kingdom belongs to you

You will over come the witch of this world

You are the Lord strong and mighty

You are the Lord mighty in battle

Use your people to your Glory for ever and ever 

Praise to the Lord for ever and ever

who is worthy

The Lion of Judah

The mighty God

The Prince of Peace

He shall over come and gather your people

Your power gives us victory in this war

Glory be to you

our Everlasting Father

Forever and ever


Read Jeremiah Chapter 4

1 If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the Lord, return unto me: and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not remove.

2 And thou shalt swear, The Lord liveth in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; and the nations shall bless themselves in him, and in him shall they glory. . .

7 The Lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.

13 Behold he shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us! for we are spoiled.

14 Oh Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved.  How long will your vain thoughts lodge with in thee?

19 . . . I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, Oh my soul the sound of the trumpet,

this is 

The Alarm of 


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Teacher Tuesday. . . thinking about becoming a teacher?

Hello friends!

It is a happy Tuesday.  I'm excited to greet you this morning.  I just had an idea for an article that I am about to write and I am totally pumped!!!

There is always so many things that I want to share with you on Teacher Tuesday.  Usually my post have a spiritual/ religious connection to it.  The main reason for this is because I feel that everything is spiritual.  Everything is connected to God and his plan.  So when I tell you being a teacher is very spiritual, believe it.  I believe everything that the Lord tells me.  Your experiences in life is for your growth.  Our purpose is to grow.

Teaching is the growing experience. . .

I am not only talking about being a preacher or a spiritual teacher in a church setting; right now I am talking about being a teacher in the public school setting.  It will definitely mold you into a person of organization, patience, and love.  You will gain insight to why the world is the way that it is as you develop a love for your students.  You begin to empathize and care for them as if they were your own.   You will question your effectiveness.  You will be tired and hopeless at times.  You also will be full of joy and intrigued at other times.  You will be on an emotional roller coaster as you attempt to navigate your teaching strategy.  You will continue to do the hard work, while administration boggles your mind down with new tests, new curriculums, and new meaningless trainings they could have paid you to do.  However, you, teacher, get by on your low starting salary of 53K a year, struggling to make ends meet for your family.  You, teacher,  you keep doing it for the medical benefits, but most importantly for the future of your students.  You, teacher, become a silent hero and this is your growth experience: You give your life for the sake of a brighter tomorrow.

"I wish I could tell everyone thinking about being a teacher to “go for it!” But it is a hard job. It consumes a lot of your life in ways that you wouldn’t expect."

I got this quote from an MSN article that I was reading about a 7th grade teacher from Hawaii. She gave some insight about what it is really like being a teacher.  She was asked questions like:

Do you think teachers are respected?
What do you think in general about having a teaching career?
Do you think teachers are under-valued?
Do you feel fulfilled as a teacher?
Would you recommend others to enter the profession?

"If a person thinks they want to go into teaching, I recommend they test it out a bit: Tutor kids, work a summer camp program, or become a substitute teacher or education assistant. If you enjoy it, then start the process to become a teacher. I would also recommend researching programs that can help them pay to become a teacher so they don’t add student loans to their lives, which adds a huge burden to new teachers."
-7th grade teacher from Hawaii

I'm a Teacher With a Side Hustle

It was a good article, I suggest you check it out.  Click the Link above to access it.  It is called "I'm a Teacher with a Side Hustle and I'm not the only one." 

Read it, especially if you are thinking about becoming a public school teacher.  There are a lot of things to consider and to think about.  This country needs dedicated, strong teachers that will stand up for themselves and their students.

With that said, I also wrote an E- book about this very thing. This is my side Hustle! I feel that new teachers really need to know what it is like to be in the trenches.  I taught preschool for five years, and general art for four years in a public school setting.  It was hard work!!  Let me tell you that it was all worth it.  The experiences, the interactions, and the lessons I have encountered was a tremendous process of growth.  My E-book is called: 10 Tips for Beginning Teachers.  It talks about some of my experiences as a public school teacher.  It tells you things that other teachers won't tell you about the work load, the resources, and classroom management.  There are a lot of things to manage as a teacher.  Somethings, I wish I knew before I started teaching.  So if you are thinking about becoming a teacher, Buy it, it is only $3.99 as the E-book, but will be more as the printed version.

You can check it out on amazon here:

That is it for now.  I am definitely going to write an article on my Website:

It will be about the upcoming convention in Atlantic City
About the spiritual aspects of teaching
Also about getting involved in changing the way that the system works
We have to know better in order to be better

Remember to live your life on Purpose
Until Next Time

Monday, September 24, 2018

Motivation for Monday: A Change is Coming

I was about to tell you about my experience in a Mental Health training I attended on Saturday, but in my research about how crazy the world really is, and how crazy the world thinks I am, the Holy Spirit led me to something encouraging.  Words of hope.  Words of peace in a time that is so chaotic. . .

There have been times that I thought I couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will
-Sam Cooke

Encouragement is important in this day in time.  Why? Because there is so much heavy and we need motivation to keep going.  Someone has to encourage us to keep fighting this good fight.  This is why we have the Holy Spirit with us.  He has come so that we may live.  He is here with us to comfort us during these times of sorrows.

We may not always feel 100%.  We may not always be sure which way to go next.  But we have to understand that the Lord is always with us.

Your motivation for this Monday:

Stay encouraged and look upon the hills

Your help comes from the Lord

You don't have to live this life alone

That is the thing,  We don't have to live this life alone.  We may not know a lot of things about a lot of things, but we keep our faith.  We don't give up in this world.  We keep moving forward, trusting that the Lord will lead us out.  We keep our minds on peace, hope, and love.

Our Father will never leave us or forsake us.  This is why he sent us Jesus, so that he could die for our sins and live as the Holy Spirit with in us.  Let us say this prayer:

Lord, we believe in you and your way

We trust in you and all of your plans

Your word says that you have plans for us

to give us hope and a future

you have a plan, not to harm us but to prosper us

We believe your word

We believe that change is going to come

Use us how you will

We are your willing servants and your witnesses

We trust and know that you only want to bring us

Love, Peace, Joy, Patience, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Self-control, and Kindness 

We trust your plan  

Thank you for being here with us and for us


I leave you with this on this Monday Morning. Live Well, Live Brave.  Don't be afraid to make mistakes.   We all will make mistakes.  Just trust in the Lord and know that everything is for a purpose and a reason.  The Lord is with you.  Change is gonna come.

I believe that music strums the cords of our invisible soul.  It can speak to us on different levels and in different realms.  Enjoy this cover by Brian Owens and his father.  It encouraged me to write this article today. Enjoy.

Until Next Time

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wisdom Wednesday: See you At the Top

Hello Friends,

I have been doing a lot of soul searching and praying lately.  This is something that I hope all of you do.  It can definitely be in your own way and in your own time; but I highly suggest that you develop some type of way to talk to your creator.

I am not shy to say that I love the Lord.  I love the bible and his word.  However I know that everyone is not as connected to the word of God, but feels that they have a pretty good handle on life.  I need to share with you that if you feel that you have a handle on life and that you don't need help, you may be living in a space  of disillusionment.  We all need God and there is a little of him in each and everyone of us.  Therefore we all need each other.

Please, stop living in pride and realize that we all need one another.

That is your wisdom for today.  Spread it and understand it.  Each of us have something to offer this place.  Therefore we owe it to ourselves and to others to grow and to develop into the people God has created us to be.  Be the best you can be in the Lord, for the Lord.

With that said, I want to share with you a very important figure in personal development.  He is a motivational speaker, author, and entrepreneur who encourages you to live your very best life.  I recently listened to one of his talks and I wanted to share it with you. His name is Zig Ziglar and he is going to give you some words of insight in order for you to change your mind about how you are living this life.

I promote this kind of encouragement because a lot of us are in the space where we don't really know who we are.  We are not living the way that God has intended us to live.  We are living by Fear Motivation.  We do things because we are afraid that if we don't do them then we are going to be homeless or laughed at.  We also "don't" do things because we fear the unknown. We have to step out of this wrong thinking . . . This "Stinking Thinking."

Take note when he talks about the three types of motivation:

Fear Motivation

Incentive Motivation

Growth Motivation

Which one of these do you live by? Why do you do the things that you do?

Gain Wisdom and Gain Understanding.  This talk is about an hour.   Take the time to listen to it.  These are the things that we should be listening to in order to grow our minds.  God has sent people to us to help us hear and understand his word.
Respect his order and know that God does things to benefit our growth.
He wants to develop us to get to the very top.
Love you with the Love of the Lord.
Remember to live your life on Purpose.
Until Next Time

Monday, September 10, 2018

Motivation for Monday: Make Good Decisions

I received a letter from Terri Savelle Foy the other day telling me to quit.  This was strange because I remember her sending me a letter before telling me "don't you dare quit!"  I knew there was more to the story, so let me explain. . .

Sometimes we have to make some tough decisions.  Focused people,  you know those people who seem to have it all together, those successful people;  they know how to make decisions quickly.  They can identify those things that will benefit them and the things that will not.  This is what makes them financially successful.  If there is something that is in their life that does not match up with their personal vision, then they cut that part out and find something that is beneficial to the overall vision.  Successful people know what they want and they make calculated decisions on how to get there.

They know how to quit!

Well I know I want to go to heaven and I want you to go too.  So, I want to make calculated decisions to spread the word of God to more and more people.  In order to do that, I may need to cut some activities, some people, and some habits out of my life. This means that I have to quit somethings. The Lord showed me very clearly what he has planned for me.  Now it is up to me to follow the plan he has for me.

Now, when you are following God, he gives you a vision.  A vision is something that you see that will come in the future.  The word says wait on the vision, it is for an appointed time.  So, you will learn patience during the time that you are working towards that vision.  You will also learn how to follow the direction of the voice of the Lord.  Obedience to that small still voice is key.

I am at a cross roads in life.  I have to make some important decisions that are going to help me build my relationship with the Lord.  I need to give up some things in order to make room for God.  This is where the "Quit" comes in.  The word says that you need to "count the cost,"  meaning you need to take inventory of your life everyday.  You have to make important decisions about what you are willing to give up in your life and what you are willing to sacrifice in order to follow Jesus.

I had told the Lord that I will live a surrendered life.  Therefore, I will follow him to where he needs me to go.  I imagine the possibilities of what he has for me but he is the one that will direct me to the best things that he has for me.  Therefore, I need to trust him.  So when he tells me that I need to throw away the access stress in my life, that is something that I am willing to do.  When he tells me that I need to stop watching so much TV, that is what I am going to do.  When he tells me to stop drinking so much coffee, or stop buying so many clothes, or stop living irresponsible;  I need to listen.  I need to pay attention.

Pay Attention to the voice of God.

I just want to encourage you to keep paying attention to that inside voice.  You know, that voice that is telling you the right thing to do.  This is your instinct.  This is your intuition.  This is the voice of God.  We often get in trouble when we start reasoning things out.  We start thinking about the what if's, and the "it's probably not going to work,"  or "it is not going to well right now . . ."  I am here to tell you to be bold in Christ.  Be bold in who he has made you to be and become.  It you are not happy in your current situation,  It is time to Quit!

LOL, people get me wrong on this all of the time.  I am not telling you to go out and quit your job today.  But I am telling you to start making careful and calculated decisions to change your life.  Come up with an exit strategy!!

It is time for me to change the way that I am thinking about this life and start making decisions that benefit the Kingdom.  I can no longer stay still and hope for the best.  Change only comes when you make different decisions in life.  If you keep making the same safe decisions, you will stay in the same place.  I am exercising my brain by thinking more.  We need to start thinking things through to the end. If we don't, we will continue to be crazy, while believing that everything is normal.

I want to live for the Lord.  I want to here well done my good and faithful servant.  I want to do the will of my father and heaven.  I don't want to bury my gifts and I don't want other people to use me until they use me up.  I am ready.  I am ready to Live!!  The Lord has made me free, through the death of Jesus Christ and I am free indeed.  I will not go back into slavery for anyone!!

Your motivation for Monday

You are Free Indeed

Do not go into slavery for anyone.

Start living your life free



Be Happy

   This letter was an  interesting confirmation from the Lord because I was waiting for a very important answer to a prayer I had.  The answer was quit.  The letter from Terri confirmed it.  Just taking a little time to think about what it means to quit allowed me to put somethings into perspective.  It was something that I knew already, but it had to be made clear.  I understand now.  I have to  leave something very important to me behind, so that I can move forward in the vision.  We don't have time to do everything all at once, but we can make decisions today that will benefit the vision of the future.

One of the very best decisions that you can make for your life is to live for the Lord.  This will look different to different people.  Believe me, it is the best thing that you can do.  Don't give up on life, keep living.  Do some research if you need to and learn about the goodness of Jesus.

Until Next Time

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Also,  If you desire to live a better life, a different life;  I encourage you to get a free copy of my E-book "Get Ready to Live"

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wisdom Wednesday:

The following is the premise of Wisdom Wednesday:

My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:
For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:
So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:
So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.
My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:
For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Proverbs 3:1-13

I believe that God has made each and everyone of us.  Therefore, each and everyone of us is special and has an individual frequency with God.  He uses us to communicate messages to each other.  He has communicated a very important message through me and I would like to share it with you.  I don't want to exploit it or miss use this information.  I just want to share it with you and I hope that you share it with others.

I am referring to the book that the Holy Spirit has allowed me to write.  It is called "Transition Into Life."  In it, the Lord has spoken to me about our wrong thinking and how we need to change our perspective on how and why we are living this life.  

He told me to make it available to everyone.  Therefore, it is going to be available on YouTube for your listening pleasure.  I have already started to record it.  Take a listen.  Learn what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the whole world. Enjoy.

This is Chapter 5 of my book.  It will be available soon on Amazon.

Remember to Get Wisdom, and Get Understanding
Remember to live your life on Purpose.
Until Next Time