Monday, February 26, 2018

Day 34: Live Life Devotional

Day 34
We were created to be like Christ

Do you understand who Jesus is?
Do you understand that he also had to go through a process to receive his assignment, his purpose, his vision, and his destiny.

When we are born again, we are met with the same challenges that Jesus had.  We are to take on the same mind as Christ.  We are to focus on what God has for us to to.  We must follow through on our assignment.  God wants to give us our assignment in full but we have to show ourselves worthy.  We must be consistent.  We must look at the life of Christ as an example.

We were created to become like Christ.  All of God’s planning is not happenstance.  He planned all of this for the building up of Christ body and the perfecting of the saints.  God planned the end and he understood where we would mess up.  God already provided the solution before the question was even asked.  Remember, he is the master artist and his masterpiece is yet to be revealed.

I encourage you to read through the new testament this year.  Study the life of Christ so that you can model his ways.  You may not understand why you are doing the things that Jesus did, but you should have faith that it is going to get you where Jesus is.

These are just somethings that Jesus did to become closer to God:

He talked to God
He spent alone time with God
He woke up early to pray
He gave God Glory and Credit
He loved and taught love
He taught in the Temple (Church)
He prayed continually
He fasted
He memorized scripture
He referred back to the old testament when teaching
He gave up his trade to start his ministry
He traveled around to teach about the Kingdom
He collected followers
He urged people to change their thinking patterns
He served others
He sacrificed himself to save others

Jesus did all of this because he knew who he was.  He didn’t do it to try to earn a position.  We must change our minds about why we do things.  Meditate on this thought:  What is it that I am doing in my life today that looks like the life that Jesus lived two thousand years ago?

We were created to be like Jesus

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