Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Day 3: Live Life Devotional

Day # 3
God is the Creator

This is a devotional that will get you to thinking:  Why am I here on Earth?  It is a question that was posed through history and one that boggles the mind of those who are interested in truth.  It is a question that leads to freedom and that leads to war.  It is the most philosophical, theological, biological, intellectual, and theoretical debate to permeate the scope of humanity.  It is a question that can only be answered wholly by one.

That one is the creator.

Why can the purpose of life only be answered by one?  The most logical and observant answer is because only the person who created the work, knows the purpose in why he created  it.  There is a definite pattern in creativity.  

Let us look at an artist for an example.  An artist sets out to create something with an idea in mind.  The artist usually starts the planning process by doing several studies and practice runs before he continues with his master project.  He plans his approach, the materials he is going to use, the tools he is going to use, and the time he is going to work.
After planning, the artist then starts the process of creating.  During that process the artist has other ideas in how to make his original idea better.  Finally the artist finishes his work and perhaps might decide to go back and make some more tweaks to his creation.  The artist is constantly reexamining his creation until he is pleased that it meets most of his requirements of the original purpose.

We must understand that we will be what God has originally made us for.

So a question to meditate on is:  What did God originally make man to do?

Let us meditate on the following verse:

And God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth
Genesis 1:26

In reading this and knowing what Adam's job was . . . it is reasonable to say that God made us to take care of the earth and everything that he made in the earth.  That is something to think about . . .

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