Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Day 10: Live Life Devotional

Day 10
Application is Key!

I mentioned before that I really enjoyed a book called a “Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren.  Right now I am finishing up the “Purpose Driven Life Journal.”  It has really helped me build my relationship with the Lord day by day.  It also helped me focus on some important aspects of living life on purpose.  We are going to start exploring some of the ideas he talks about in his book.

  • This Life is not about You
  • You are not an accident
  • Get to know your priorities
  • You were made to live forever

As I was going through the journal, I would keep a separate notebook to write scriptures, and to write down thoughts that the Lord gave me.  I would review things that I had learned throughout the week on my sabbath day (my rest day).  Being a Christian takes study and practice.  I encourage you to take an active role in your learning and write things down.  Make things clear to your eyes so that you mind can absorb the message.

Think about what you have learned so far.  Can you answer the following questions:

What did God make man for?
What does dominion mean?
What special gifts did God bless you with?

Go back and study your word, don’t just take my word for it.  You are responsible for developing your own personal relationship with the Lord.  Please stop relying on other people to do the work for you.  Study and show yourself approved, write things down and make it plain.

You have told yourself “I heard this all before and it doesn’t work.”  God is saying that you did not try it for real.  You are hearing it, but the enemy is taking the truth away from you. You are reading but you are choosing not to apply these things that I’m suggesting to you. It does take all of this to find your purpose.  It takes time and commitment. Change your mind and memorize the scriptures that I am sharing with you everyday.  Sow them into your heart and they will start to change your life forever! 

Application is key. 

You must study!!!




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