Thursday, February 22, 2018

Day 13: Live Life Devotional

Day 13
You are not an accident

God has already planned your process. God has already planned your purpose. He has written your destiny in the books the world calls your DNA. There is a specific design to who you are and who you will become. The process of becoming who you are is supposed to be the fun part! God’s planning does not interfere with your free will. The experiences and the choices that you make will either make the process shorter or longer. However, your destination has been written by God. God wants you to depend on him to get to the place he has planned for you. Finding your purpose can be a long or short journey depending on whom you are asking directions.

I encourage you to buy or borrow the “Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren:

“Long before you were conceived by your parents you were conceived in the mind of God. It is not fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that you are breathing at this very moment. You are alive because God wanted to create you!”

-Rick Warren

The full explanation of our purpose here on earth all goes back to the beginning. There is a secret in each of us. God has place gifts, talents, and abilities in us that we must find, nurture, and develop. Our purpose is hidden in the mystery of our existence. This is not a secret that God is going to tell just anyone. Instead he will tell those who are committed, consistent, and reliable.

Some of us feel that our secret is so out of reach, that we don’t really believe the clues that God is given to us. We refuse to see the answers that are right in front of us. Often times we are scared about the greatness that we can be. So what do we do? We bury it, and we try to forget the task we were set out to do.

I want to ensure you that you are indeed important to God.  He doesn't want you on the path that will keep you going in circles.  He wants you to trust him.  He wants you to be on the straight and narrow path.  You can do this.  You can live this life on purpose!

Check out this past post to better understand why your destiny was already written for you. . .
God has a beautiful Mind


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