Sunday, April 23, 2017

Live Life post 98 I didn't go to Church Today

Post 98

I actually didn't go to church today.  This is a strange thing because I usually go to church every Sunday.  It would be odd for me to miss. 

Guess what I was doing?

I was making flower corsages for all the women at my mom's church.  They had a special service today and all the women came to church wearing shades of blue.  Awe, how cute.

Now, I didn't have an issue making them, I like making things.  I just had to make them last minute and it ended up cutting into my worship time.  Oh well, what can you do?

Oh I remember: "Prioritize Your Purpose!"

Click Picture to Read Article

I wrote an article before about how people will overwhelm you with everything on their agenda if you don't stand up for what is on your agenda.  Better yet, what God put on your agenda.

I know that I have to concentrate on what God told me to do . . . so this week I am writing like their is no tomorrow.  I have to finish this book and start saying no to everything else around me. . . Distractions are constant and we just have to learn how to prioritize the will of God.

What has God told you to do?

Let's do what God says because time is running out . . .

It is time to find your purpose in the Kingdom.
until next time

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