Thursday, April 13, 2017

Life Live Post 86 I know I've been changed! 16 signs that show your life has been changed by God!

Post 86 I know I've been changed

Remember that song: "oh, oh, I know I've been changed, Oh, I know I've been changed, Oh, I know I've been changed,  The angels in heaven done signed my name!"

Are you changed?  I mean has God really made that supernatural change in your life?  Maybe you have or maybe you haven't answered that call yet. . . I just want to share with you somethings that I have been through that have shown me that a miraculous, supernatural change has happened in my life.

I woke up!

16 Signs that show your life has been changed by God!

1) You  are excited to spend more time with God, so you get up early
2) You see and understand the bible a little more day by day
3) You start to pray more
4) You start to fast more
5) You start to read more (just books in general)
6) You become more confident in who you are
7) You take care of your self better
8) You take care of your family better
9) You become less selfish
10)  You clean everything! I mean, things just start going in the trash.
11)  You notice and are able to fight against spiritual attacks and trials in your life
12)  You learn how to talk and trust God more
13)  You start talking to random people just to tell them about Jesus
14)  You start telling your family members that you not only talk to God, but he talks to you.
15)  You are ready to let God use you
16)  God tells you it is time for a career change!

I can actually go on and on.  I am not saying that you will experience all of these things because we all have different lives and come from different situations.  I just wanted to share this with you because it has been my experience recently. 

God is awesome and although I have been in the church my whole life, a born again Christian since I was a teenager,  and started to having a personal relationship with him when I was 19, something recently has happen to me that has change my whole life.  I believe I woke up.  I believe that God has elevated me to another level and now I am excited to help others get there.  I am also looking for the next elevation.  I am really excited to let God use me and this is why I am writing this blog.

Has God changed your life?  Do you feel like God is calling you to a higher purpose? What are some of the signs that you see in your life that show God is working in you?

God is showing me everyday that I am far from perfect.  He shows me my flaws and allows me to study ways that I can improve myself.  Sometimes I sound really arrogant in my writing and I ask the Lord, is that the way I sound when I talk to people about you?   I really don't mean to, and I really don't want to push people away from Jesus because of my flaws.

I truly have love in my heart and want to share the wonderful gift of Jesus Christ with everybody.  I don't want to make it sound like I know everything or that I am better than anyone else.  We have all sinned and fell short of the glory of the Lord.  I ask God to work on me and make me like him. God is calling each and everyone of us to a higher purpose and a higher calling.

Everything is about growth.  Finding your purpose is about growth.  God has planted a beautiful seed inside of your soil.  It is now time to grow. I pray that this is helpful to you.  I continue to pray that these writings reach the right people, at the right time, for the right purpose, according to the will of God. God bless you. 

Be sure to share with someone if you think it will help them in finding their purpose . . .

Until Next Time

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