Friday, February 17, 2017

day 47: 11 Quick ways to apply the use of affirmations in your life.


Let's jump right in on our study about using positive words to change our lives.  Many of us are aware that negative words are not healthy because they tear down and put us in bad moods.  Most Christians at least try to be positive people.  But what you may not realize is that we often unconsciously speak negative things just because we are used to that way of thinking.

Have you ever told your self or a close friend:  "I just don't know how we are going to find the money for this trip," or "I can't seem to get this thing right,"  or  "I don't know what his problem is?!"

I don't and I can't are negative starters that are often programmed in our minds.  I understand that most of us try to be positive and we may know what that sounds like but are we really putting it into practice?

We have been talking about the power of words, so I want to share some techniques with you to help you reprogram your mind to think positive.  Let us talk about affirmations.

An affirmation is an positive and inspirational statement that trains your subconscious mind to believe such statement as truth.  When spoken out loud and repeated often it could really change your life.  We are going to start with some "I am" and "I can" affirmations. Then we will move into some other biblically based affirmations of truth.

11 Quick ways to apply the use of affirmations in your life:

#1 Instead of saying something like "I'm so tired" when you wake up in the morning, say:

"I am awake and full of energy!"

and keep saying it until your body gets used to getting up and being happy to start the day.

#2 Be thankful that you woke up in the morning and really see the blessing for what it is.  God has decided to give you another day . . . Glory to God!

"I am thankful that God woke me up this morning and started me on my way."

#3 Always be mindful of who you are as God's creation and the strength that he has given you to do what you need to do.

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

#4 You are more than a conqueror and you were made for a purpose.  Therefore it is time to start claiming these truths by speaking them into existence.

"I am confident"

"I am bold"

"I am successful"

"I am a problem solver"

"I am a conqueror" 

#5  Let's also stop saying "I can't" statements and start saying "I can."

"I can be debt free"

"I can be happy"

"I can do it"

#6 We often say that we can't find anything to wear when we look in our closets.  The truth is that we keep telling ourselves that, and we start to believe it.  You really have an over flow of what you need, so let us change the conversation that we have with ourselves.

"I live in abundance." 

"God supplies all of my needs."

"I live in the overflow, my cup runneth over"

#7 I used to lose my keys all the time.  Sometimes it would make me late for work.  When I learned about affirmations, and when ever I would misplace my keys, I would repeat to myself "I find things, I find things."  After doing this for 2 months, I no longer loose my keys, but I find things, all kinds of things: money, deals, information, books, people.  When ever I want to find something that I don't remember right where it is, I just start saying "I find things," and sure enough I find it. So if your looking for a job, a husband, or some money, claim it!

"I find things"

"I finish things"

"I deserve positive things to happen in my life."

#8 The following are some personal affirmations that I say everyday to encourage myself.  I suggest you make some personalized affirmations in order to stay motivated or to remind yourself of a specific goal that you have.

"I am blessed and highly favored"

"I am a beautiful talented young woman of God."

"My children and my husband call me blessed."

"I am an international best selling author"

#9  It is important that you state your affirmations with boldness and clarity and with purpose.  I believe my affirmations because they are connected with promises from the bible.  I believe the bible.  The affirmations are helping me increase my faith and helping me to be bold in my claims.

"I am the head and not the tail."

"I am above and not beneath"

#10 Always remember who you are and talk to God and find out what your purpose is.  When you line up with the purpose that God has for you, then you know that you are blessed.  I teach my children to say this next affirmation:

"I am smart, I am talented, I am blessed and highly favored."

#11 No weapon formed against you will prosper.  You must believe this and speak it into existence.  These last two affirmations are encouragement affirmations because I know who I am and I know my purpose:

"No weapon formed against me shall prosper"

"I will walk in wisdom, truth, love, and faith. I know who I am because I walk in my purpose."

I pray that you have enjoyed these positive affirmations for your soul.
Until next time

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