Thursday, February 2, 2017

Day 34- Live Life- get your sassy pants on. . .

Day 34 "Out of the way world, I got my sassy pants on today!"

This just reminded me of when I wrote a children's book with two other women about a young girl who was in a wheel chair but she had dreams of being a super hero.  She called herself Super Sassy Sasha.  If I can find some of it I will share it with you, I wonder why we never finished that project. .

Sometimes God gives us great ideas but we tell our selves that we don't have the time nor the resources to carry it out.  The thing is, having enough time is not the problem at all.  The real problem is that we often don't have the mind to carry it out.  Well it is time for me to get my sassy pants on.  I want to finish things that I start.  I will be all that God has made me to be.

What projects, thoughts, ideas, business, books has God given you that you didn't start yet?  What are you going to do to let the world know you mean business?

Get your sassy on!
until next time


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