Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 46 Live Life: "Wisdom is knowing the power of words"

Day 46

I tell my students all the time "Words are Powerful."  We did an art lesson on power words.  I wanted the kids to explain, what were power words and how we could speak power in our lives.  The most common words that the children chose were love, wisdom, and peace. We should all be aware that these indeed are powerful words by themselves.  We can also develop loving, wise and peaceful statements to speak these same things into our lives.

I asked my students, how could they use these words to help motivated other people?  I explained that when we speak positive words, we make positive things happen in our lives and into other peoples lives.  So instead of practicing speaking negative things, speak some positive words into your life. 

I want you to come up with some loving, wise, and peaceful statements that you can make part of your every day conversation.  Now, this conversation can be with your self or with others, up to you!

The more you speak powerful positive words, the more you start believing these words for your life!

Yesterday, we talked about speaking success in our lives and I wanted to clarify somethings:

I had said that it is important to speak positive things in your life even if you didn't believe them.  I want everyone to understand that I'm not saying you should try to speak positively then if you forget sometimes then that is ok. No, If you want to change your life you have to make a conscious effort to change your way of thinking so that those positive words of encouragement and motivation flow easily and naturally.   You have to focus on your goal of changing your speech. You have to work on this everyday!

When you change your speech you will change your belief processes.  This does not happen over night but instead it takes practice.  You have to study and you have to plan.  This blog is a start, but I want to encourage you to browse the intranet for something called affirmations and declarations.

Affirmations and declarations are the positive words of encouragement that you are going to start saying in order to train your mind to not only start thinking positively but to start believing with faith that those things that you speak are going to come to pass.

Tomorrow I will share with you some great affirmations that will get you started on your journey to positive thinking and speaking.  But before I do that I want you to write down a personal affirmation.  An affirmation is just a positive statement that you declare as truth and you repeat it until you train your mind to believe it.  I want you to get a better understanding of what affirmations are used for. So just take a role at it.  Leave a comment if you feel you have a good one. We will also line up some scriptures with understanding affirmations, declarations, and the power of spoken word.

Pray that this helps you on your journey to find your purpose.
Until Next Time

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