Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day 35- False dreams, False Visions, False Purpose

Hello Friend,

I pray that all is well.  I am on day 35 of the Next 90 days Challenge and I am just practicing writing something everyday.  This is almost like a journal of sorts.  Weird things are happening.  I am filled with sudden bursts of energy and adrenaline.  It seems as if I drunk a lot of coffee but the thing is I haven't had a cup of coffee in like 6 months. So, I don't know why I feel this way.  It's cool.  I'm excited about a lot of things so I am going to just keep pushing through.  I am not quite at the half way point but I am feeling good.  I'm going to concentrate on this drinking water part. . . .

Anyway,  I am getting ready to record this podcast about False Dreams, False Vision, and False Purpose.  It is about the signs of the times and how to be prepared for this journey ahead of us.  We must must must be connected to the king of Glory to get the right direction in life.  We can't be distracted by false dreams.  We have to stay focused on what is important.  The most important thing about life is spreading the message of Jesus Christ.

Remember that God has loved us so much that he gave his only son to save us from our sins.  Who ever makes the choice in his heart to believe in him will not die to the burden of the sinful nature but will live forever with the creator.  Thank you Lord.

Don't get trapped in False Dreams, False Vision, and False Purpose. Develop a relationship with the Lord today.

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