Friday, March 23, 2018

Freedom Friday: learn about BLOCKCHAIN

Welcome to Freedom Friday . . .

On Freedom Fridays I like to celebrate my break through and my break out from the world system . . .  What is the world system you may ask?  Well the world system is what much of the people of this world are dependent on. 

We find security in the systems that the world has set up.  We put our money in the bank because we feel secure in the banking system.  We send our kids to school because we feel secure in the educational system.  We go in front of a judge and jury when we are using our judicial system.  We go to the doctor and receive medicine from the doctor because we trust in our medical system.  We work at our job to receive a pay check because we believe in our work force system.  So on and so forth.

I instead am now part of a different system.  I declare that I have lost my life so that I can gain it.  I am now just waiting for other people to wake up.

Wake up to what?

I am waiting for people to see that this world system is in shambles.  The one that you see now, the one that we are currently operating in is about to fall.  A new governing system is going to be introduced.  Actually two systems will be presented to you and it will be up to your mind in which one you will pick.  One system is the one world order, it is a government.  This system is ran by the adversary and is set up to control you and your time.  The other system is the Kingdom System, it is also a government.  The Kingdom government will be ran by Jesus Christ, he is the king.  His father is the King of heaven and has groomed him to be the ruler over God's people.

I digress on this, but it is what this whole blog is about . .  connecting you to your purpose so that you can walk into your destiny of living in the everlasting Kingdom.  The Lord needs you to change your mind about this whole life that you are living.  This life of work, work, work and spend, spend, spend, is not your real life.  We should not lay our treasures up on this earth where the enemy can come and steal everything away from you.  A world where these things that we see with our natural eyes will perish and rot away.  Instead, we must understand that the things we cannot see will last forever.

So I celebrate my FREEDOM  from worldly thinking

With that said I am also opening up my mind to the things that God is showing me to prepare for.  We must prepare for the fall of this current worldly government.  It is coming.  How do I know?  Because it is a pattern.  The enemy always throws his best shot at causing chaos and disorder to bring down the fall of governments so that he can introduce a new solution, a new government.  He is the prince of revolution.  He led the first revolt!  We call it progress and your enemy calls it his success.

It is time for us to be smarter.  It is time to listen to the voice of our God.

Any wealthy person would tell you that the way they acquired their wealth was to prepare for it in the down season.  This is the down season.  It is time to learn who you are and what your assignment is.  You have a gift that you are supposed to use to serve others.  This education system that we have experienced  as children has over crowded our mind with too much.  We are overwhelemed and most of us were not built to know everything.  We were made specifically, in order to develop or talent.  You have a talent, which is more then singing, dancing, acting or sports.

Here goes another pattern:

The enemy, ( your adversary, Lucifer, that lying serpent the devil) continues to promote his agenda.  Of course he promotes the arts as far as singing and acting because that was his job in heaven.  However, there is so much more to you than that.  You need God, you need the holy spirit to save your mind and realize that you were made for a purpose.
The world is too much into itself and does not feel the need for God.  It does not feel it needs a savior.  However, we will all be presented with a Kingdom option.  The Kingdom government will come and I chose to be apart of it.

Prepare your mind to receive your assignment.  Prepare your mind to do work for the Lord.  We do this not to promote the world, but to promote God and his son, Jesus Christ.  Someone has the insight to help God's people get ahead of the destruction of the world.  Someone's assignment is to teach us about the new currency of this world so that we can be financially prepared to fight against our adversary.

With that said, I am preparing.  I am changing my mind about how I do things.  I am developing my mind and changing my habits to do things the Lord's way.  I trust the Kingdom and my King to provide my every need while understanding that I should be a contributor to the Kingdom.  I should use my gifts, talents, and abilities to help others.

So, hear the word from your God.  You must learn the new currency in order to be successful in this next economy.  It's coming and we want to be on top!

You are the head and not the tail. 

You are above and not beneath. 

Believe the promises of the Lord!

Learn about bit coin and blockchain currency.

Teach your kids about it.

I'm telling you this because I care for you and your future and your grandchildren's future.

We should not fear the end of the world.  Fear is only war tactic by the enemy to distract you, distort your vision, and delay your assignment.  Craziness, don't fall into that trap.  We are Gods people and he is talking to us and we should listen.

More to come on the bitcoin and blockchain, but it the mean while, do your research . . .

Who's Purpose is it to help us with this?

Do you know your assignment?

Do you know your Purpose?

until next time

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

Proverbs 13:22

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