Sunday, July 23, 2017

Live Life post 152: Watching Descendants with the Kids

Disney Channel Deception: Watching Descendants with the kids

My TV usually stays on Disney Chanel or Cartoon Network.  I usually have no control of the television, you know, me being the mom and everything.  My husband is the king of the remote and these are the channels he and the kids prefer.  So I'm usually watching KC Undercover, Star vs. the Forces of Evil or Bzaardvark.

It is a constant argument about what the kids are allowed to watch and what they are not allowed to watch.  I tell my husband "Star vs. the Forces of evil"  is a demonic cartoon promoting astrology, Scientology, witch craft, the new age movement, and other pagan ideologies.  His response to me is "You're too serious, let them watch it!"

I will not fail to tell them the real meaning of these things.  The signs and the symbols of witch craft that they are watching.  Their response every time "Awe mom!"  They need to be aware of how the enemy attacks.  He is sneaky and he is going after our children's minds.

There is definitely something "Rotten to the Core" about Disney Channel's pagan lineups!

And so, the excitement builds up for the new Descendants movie on Disney Channel.  I love musicals and expect it to be good entertainment but at the same time, I know what the movie is about.  It is a promotion of how good it feels to be evil and do evil things.  This is true in a sense because sin often time feels good.  However, as Christians we understand that it is this very same sin that will lead us to our own destruction, misery, and death.  I'm glad that the movie showed that none of the evil characters who turned good went back to the bad side.  It is always better to chose the righteous side.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask your kids, they know all about  the movie. 

During the commercials we see the promotion of a new Zombie show.  Ok, more promotion of death.  Then we have the premier of "Raven's Home,"  a spin off of the original Disney show  "That's so Raven" to where the main character is a Psychic Seer.

These are things that God told us not to deal with because they are of the devil: Witch Craft, sorcery, Seers, Death and Evil.  Our God is the God of the living, not of death.  Disney Chanel is becoming an expert at promoting these types of subjects to our children.  So what do we do as parents?  Do we let our children watch these things and hope that their subconscious is not overtaken by these pictures of evil.  Or do we forbid them from watching any of it.

I don't want to sound like parents of the past when they responded to the rap music or rock music of our time  as "music of the devil!"  No, everything is not of the devil,  the devil doesn't have that much pull, really.  The enemy is just really good at what he is good at, and that is setting a world culture that receives its' information from the airwaves (ie tv, media, music & cinema).

A weak mind will mold itself to such brainwashing, but a mind being trained in the word of God will be strong.  So, I say to parents, teach your children the word of God.  Let it become part of them everyday.  Make sure that your children have the right tools to fight against this enemy.   Give them the knowledge to make good decisions for themselves.  Train them up the way that they should go, so that they have a good head on their shoulders in the future.

We must also ask our selves the following question:

Who is ultimately in complete control?

God our father in heaven, sees all of this mess going on.  Vengeance is his, and he will handle the punishment of those powers who try to steal our children's minds.

This is not only happening on the Disney channel but I'm seeing it everywhere.  Just be prayerful and watch.  Because if you have children, your purpose is tied to them.  You are responsible to be a good steward of what God has given you.  Be blessed always and walk in your purpose according to God's will.

Until Next Time

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