Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Live Life post 148: The Kingdom of Heaven

Hello All,

And as I take a deep breath, I am preparing my mind to get back into a nice even stride.  I believe that my mind is recharged and ready to go.  I went on a much needed vacation with my family.  I took a break from writing on this blog.  However, I couldn't stop thinking about what I wanted to share when I started back.  I couldn't stop thinking about things that I wanted to share about the Kingdom of Heaven.

During my time away from this blog I was able to study a little more, do a little more research, and think about a game plan.  A plan is always a much needed source if we expect God to do anything different in our lives.  If you don't have a plan then how can God direct you in where you need to go?

So, my plan is to share more and more about what I learn about  the Kingdom of Heaven.  My plan is to work diligently to build my relationship with God.  I want the Holy Spirit to continue showing me the secrets of the Kingdom.

I thank God for showing me that he ultimately makes the plan for all of us.  It is our job then to listen to his plan and make sure we write it down so that we don't forget it.

I want to encourage you to start writing things down.  The writing really is for our direction.  God wants us to know everything that he has for us, so we read, we study, and we write things down.  With this said, again,  I couldn't stop thinking about things to write.  I had a lot of time to think, now it is time to write them down and make them plain. 

We all have a special word from God that we should be sharing with others.  We each have a unique perspective.  We each are a unique perspective of God's thoughts, plans, and workmanship.  We each are very special to the development and the carrying out of his will.

Do you know that you are special?

We all are special and I am so glad that God has blessed me with the talents that I need to share his word with you.  It is time for you to identify and develop your talents so that God can use you according to his purpose  God will use you to reach out to everybody because his desire is for everyone to be part of the Kingdom.

What is the Kingdom?

Well, the Kingdom is a government.  The ultimate, perfect government where everyone is content, and happy to fulfill the purpose that God has set for them.  This government is of perfect order and is ruled by the most high perfect and just King.

It is my hope to continue my study and discussion about this Kingdom on this site.  It is my prayer that by reading my words that you are encouraged to find your place in this Kingdom.  This is the Kingdom that Jesus taught about.  The Kingdom of Heaven.

I'm getting my stride back and I'm so glad to be back.  God bless you always.

Until Next Time

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