Sunday, May 7, 2017

Live Life post 116 Get Understanding

I'm sure most of us are convinced that it is important to learn things and it is important to know things.  I can't fathom a world where people wouldn't  have a desire to know more about their destiny, their purpose, or the meaning of life.  We all try to enhance our understanding.  We are all looking for truth in some shape or form. 

But what if the things that you know aren't true.  What if you are constantly and continuously inputting the wrong teaching into your mind?

It is important to have a good strong foundation in truth in order to identify the untruth.  Hence, I encourage you to read your bible so that you take in the truth.  The more you take in the truth the more you will grow in wisdom.

So, here is a truth that I want to share with you:  You can't change your problems with the same kind of thinking that caused your problems . . .So, now you have to ask yourself;  where did I learn? or Who did I learn from?  What is it that I am doing in my life that may not be the right kind of thinking?

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

The interesting part to this very well know verse is that people often leave out the second part or misquote it . . .  the whole verse is referring to the company that the "man" is keeping.  The man is sitting down, drinking and eating with a ruler.  However, the ruler does not have good intentions to enhance the man, but instead keeps tempting him with the pleasures and lust of this world that will lead to his destruction . . .

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee."

Proverbs 23:7

Lesson:  Be careful who you hang out with

Not everybody has good intentions for you.  So don't get so entangled with a group of people that is not helping you get closer to your purpose.  Most likely it is just a trap set up by the enemy.

There is a problem when you hang around the wrong people.  Especially when those people have no truth in them.  If we were around the wrong people all our lives then surely we wouldn't understand good from bad or right from wrong.  We wouldn't have a correct moral code if we did things our wrong way all of the time. We wouldn't have a correct out look on life.  Instead we would have internalized something different.  Why? because how we think determines how we see things.  How we see things is determined by what we were taught and what we were surrounded by.

What we see is what we get.  What we learn is what we know.  What we are normally around, becomes our normal.

I mean for real, if your life is not going anywhere and you are struggling to stay focused on your purpose, maybe you should try hanging out with a different crowd.   It is a must to surround and fellowship with people who can encourage you.  It is a must to be around people who love you and have an understanding of truth.

But, some of us are not there yet.  That is ok. I understand that it is hard to let go of old friends and acquaintances that you are attached to.   Just be aware and gain an understanding of why you are where you are in life. 

Hence, it is hard to make that transition from the old life to a new life.  I want to let the youngers ones know that your perspective will never change if you keep hanging out with the same kind of people that continue to go nowhere in life.

We want to go somewhere.  We want to go to Heaven!!  Not only do we want to get there but we want to receive a great reward for our service.

How do we get there?  We continue to grow with God.  We continue to learn the principles of our inherited freedom in Christ Jesus.  

Keep learning and keep getting, but in all that you get, make sure that you get an understanding!

Remember to walk with the wise.  This will help you walk closer to your purpose.

Until Next Time

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