Friday, April 13, 2018

Freedom Friday: Who has my money?

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

Proverbs 13:22

I just wanted to post this real quick because every Friday I celebrate my separation from the worldly system.  I am not going to lie, it is a very hard thing to do.  Many people don't see what is really going on.  But I pray to God everyday not to let me go back to sleep.  

I had a friend send me You Tube video the other day about the fallacy of the prosperity message.  I am not going to show you that video today.  Yeah, there is a big problem with it if you are not interpreting it the right way.  The Holy Spirit has to give you the key.  There are people out there that have the key to prosperity.  There are those out there that have stole the keys to prosperity.  There are those out there that abuse the keys of prosperity.

Everything in this earth, and everything that dwells in this earth belongs to God and that is who I chose to follow all the days of my life.  This is the presence that I desire.  It is the Kingdom that I am a citizen of.  I know where my money is now it is up to me to go get it.

The problem with me saying that is that people will take offense to me talking about money the way that I do.  However, that is just because some people will never have it.  Why?  It is because they have the wrong money mindset.  Some people are really good at making money but they can't keep it.  Others are good at spending money.  While others are good at both making money and building wealth.  It is because they know the keys.  The know the secrets.  Some learn about the secrets while others have natural gifts to see the things others can't see about money.

I always found it interesting when I went to school that Dan Shellhaus always seemed to have a natural inclination for being smart.  It was almost like he didn't put much effort into it.  He always got straight A's because he knew how to study.  He knew how to take a test.  Me on the other hand, I could study study and study some more and never get as good a grade as Dan.  The same thing happened in band.  Dan was a clarinet player like me, but he always had first chair.  It didn't seem like he practiced much more then me, but he always sounded better!

Now, I could get annoyed by his unique talent at being good at everything or I could study him to see how he did it.  What were the  study habits that he formed?  What were the practice habits that allowed him to get 1st chair every year?  

I say that to say this:  Don't get made at someone because they are better at something then you.  It is just that they found their niche.  They found what they were good at.  Now it is time for you to find what you are good at.

You see, I understand that God gifted each and everyone of us with special gifts, talents and abilities to do a great work for the Kingdom.  The fact is that we need one another to make progress in the building up of the Kingdom.  If we keep attacking each other, then we will never be unified enough to win.  We will just keep fighting each other.  This does not make sense to me.

Biblically friends, he who hates his brother is without knowledge.  And if you don't have a clear understand of what hate means then you will be even more lost in that statement!  God made everything for a purpose, so each thing that you see is for a purpose.  The problem is that your perspective is distorted by sin.

Here goes the conclusion of this little rant of mine:  Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all of these things shall be added unto you. . . What does that mean exactly? Well only the Holy Spirit can explain it to you in terms that you can understand.  So, I encourage you to develop a personal relationship with the Lord and understand that we are all members of one body.  Each of us hold an answer, a key, and a clue to understanding this life.  Win souls for Christ and encourage one another.  Not murmuring or complaining.  Your energy can be used for better things then that!

Ok, so back to what I was saying before about money. . . Everybody's purpose is not to be rich, let us be clear on that.  But for those of you who have a natural inclination to be business minded and entrepreneurially tailored, here is the video for you.  Change your money mindset and be free from the bondage that this world wants to keep you in.

After watching this video I had a brain shift . . . I no longer am thinking about how I am going to make money . . . I'm thinking instead "Who has my money?"

I have a goal to set up an inheritance for my children, not in monetary prosperity, but in a freedom mindset.  This is what it is about: You are free!
Yes, it has cursing in it so . . . may not be for those who are easily offended.  Love you though!

Remember to live your life on Purpose
Until Next Time

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