Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Teacher Tuesday: How to be successful in times of Crisis?

Good Morning,

If this is your first time joining, my name is Tamorra and I go by Art Teacher 4 Purpose.  I write, create and promote information that will help you find your purpose in life.  This was not what I always considered my job.  The Holy Spirit is definitely training me on the difference between my job and my work. 

Your work is part of who you are.  Your work is part of your purpose.  Your work is something that God had designed you with to make positive change in this world.  Your job however, is just something that you do because you trust that it will give you a paycheck.  Your work will go with you where ever God sends you.

What if I were to tell you that your purpose, and that using your gift will make you prosperous?

I would like to connect you to this awesome teacher that can help get you closer to your purpose.  I know that I have mentioned him before in past posts.  His name is Dr. Myles Munroe.  He was a Kingdom teacher from the Bahamas, who has since passed away.  His teachings on the Kingdom are powerful.  We should definitely listen and learn from his insights on the word of God.

There was a time not long ago that I did put all of my time and energy on a job that did not respect my talents.  The job did not respect who I was as a child of God.  Instead, it used me until it used me up.  I had put too much faith in something that was not for my good.  Now I know that God knows what is good for me.  He knows what is good for all of us.

When I got laid off, I felt this sense of relief but I also felt the burden of failure.  I had worked all my life to please people by doing what I was told to do.  I went to school, I got good grades, I got the job, the house, the family, and degrees.  However, I still wasn't happy.  Life just wasn't working out and I felt cheated.  I know how that state of uncertainty feels.  This is why I write this blog.  To help you through a transition to your new life with God.  This new life is not about having to earn a place to get on God's good side.  This is not how God works.  Instead, life is a gift.  The Lord wants you to enjoy life by having a real relationship with him.

Crisis is inevitable.  I know people don't see what I see, but this realization is going to happen to a lot of people.  The world system is going to collapse.  Many of us feel the pressure all around us.  It is almost too much to handle.  God is saying to give it to him.  Give him all of your burdens and your concerns.

I encourage you to take the time to listen to this message.  This message is for you, especially if you are going through a hard time at work or at home.  There is a reason why this is happening to you.  Dr. Myles is going to give you some tips on how to get through it.

Take the time to listen to good messages.  It is worth your learning and your development.  I have a warning for you not just to seek out messages on prosperity, this is not the whole picture, it is only a part.  I encourage you to develop a personal relationship with the Lord so that he can guide you through this journey.

Live your Life with God
Live your Life on Purpose
Until Next Time

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