Monday, April 23, 2018

Motivation for Monday: Breaking the Rules

"You must learn how to break the rules that confine you, in order to experiences the supernatural laws that will help you fly."

I say this with much confidence as I am  reflecting on my theory of Proximity Perspective Persuasion.  In this theory I am convinced that the reason why we see and don't see things spiritually is because of how close or how far we are from the understanding of what is the supernatural.  If we really want to gain understanding of who we are and what this life is for, we must submerge ourselves in God's word and in God's world . . .

"The experiences of life have convinced me that we all have a unique perspective of the world around us.  We are all looking from different perspectives and therefore our realities are only our own.  Good, bad, fair, or unfair, only we can make our minds up to know who we are.  We ourselves have to change our minds to follow the will of God."

"Transitions into Life" by Tamorra Goldsboro

This current thought process reminded me of a story that Dr. Myles Munroe had spoke about. He was explaining his experience when learning about the law of aerodynamics. :

He asked a pilot:
"How does 600 thousand pounds leave the ground?"

The pilot answered, "600 thousand pounds leaves the ground because the law of gravity is canceled out by another law called lift. . .  We don't destroy the law of gravity, we actually use it . . .the speed creates a new law. . ."

Dr. Myles explained that it was in man's heart to fly. We wanted to do it but we didn't know how. Logically, it was an impossible feat to get something in the air and keep it up there to travel a long distance with the use of engines. However, it was eventually discovered that an airplane could fly once it reached a certain speed. 

Check out his awesome teachings here, as he relayed it to the Kingdom of Heaven.

What does this mean for you?

Imagine that you are the plane.  The speed that a plane was to reach depends on it's weight and the weight that it is carrying.  If it ever so happened that the plane dropped below that speed, it would stop flying,  it would start falling, and it would crash.  With wings, a craft could take flight because it entered into a new law.  The law of aerodynamics.

When an aircraft (you) flies, there are other forces that are acting on the plane. The force of lift makes the plane fly and the force of thrust makes the plane go forward. But for every force there is an equal and opposite force, these two forces are weight (gravity) and drag.

The faster you go, the more lift you have. It becomes impossible for an aircraft to stay on the ground once it reaches a certain speed and a certain lift.

"If it stays on the ground it will destroy itself."

Dr. Myles

I briefly explained this law so that I can explain to you, if you stay on the ground you will destroy yourself. You must fly! You were shaped to fly!

  Just like there are weights that make us heavy in life, it is not impossible to take flight. We just have to apply the right law to cancel out the heaviness of life. We just have to find that thing that is going to help us fly. Once we reach the correct speed with the Holy Spirit nothing is going to keep us down. Nothing can hold us down!

Ponder on this thought: If you continue to travel like everyone else, how will you ever know if there is a better way to get to your destination?

Here is the motivation for Monday:

I believe you can Fly!

You must believe that you can fly too . . .

This is the law of spiritual-dynamics.  All you need is faith (lift) and passion (thrust) to act against those forces of evil that try to keep you weighed down.

Fly out of stress

Fly out of worry

Fly out of depression

Fly out of stumbling

Fly out of chains

Fly out of negativity

Fly out of bondage




Fly into the sunset of your purpose

You can do this.
You can live this life on Purpose!
Until Next Time

Remember to watch the video!!
You must learn these keys (laws) to operate in the Kingdom.  This is a supernatural thing friends.  You either believe it or you don't.

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