Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Live Life post 79 What is your punch line?

This was a good one . . .

More than Funny!

Have you ever heard of Michael Jr.  I haven't, except that my husband is a Michael Jr.  This is not the same person.  This Michael Jr. is a comedian, a very funny comedian.  But more than that he is a comedian who has found his purpose.  I just watched a Ted talk that he gave "More than Funny" and I wanted to share it with you . . . 

The Set Up:

In his Ted talk, Michael Jr., does a wonderful job making you laugh, but there is a deeper message.  He encourages you to ask the question: What is my purpose?

There are a lot of things out there in the world that will try to tell you that you are not worth anything.  Perhaps the world will try to tell you that you are damaged goods, flawed in some type of way.  The truth is that God sends us our talents and our flaws to make us stronger.  This is all connected to our purpose in life.

The things that you go through are for the good and everything will work out for the good.  Believe this, understand this, and understand that you can  help others get to where they need to be.

The Punch Line:

You are more than what you think.  I encourage you to believe it.  I encourage you to love.  I encourage you to give.  I encourage you to share yourself so that you can find your punch line.

In order to understand what I'm talking about, check out the video and watch it to the end . . .

Mindset Matters!

I pray that this gives you a jolt in how your mind set changes your perspective.
I also pray that this helps you in walking the next steps towards your purpose.
Until next time

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