Friday, November 24, 2017

Vision Matters to everyone . . .

There is no such thing as a non-spiritual aspect of your life . . . you are a Spirit . . . your whole life is spiritual.

I told you a few weeks ago that I am reading a book called "Visioneering."  so far it is very good and I am going to do a review on it soon.  I think this one point is very important for the whole world to know . . . Your vision matters to God because God wrote it for you.  He has given us free will to navigate ourselves to it.  Unfortunately, this world is made up with a bunch of false rules and promises that mislead us.  It is easy for us to lose sight of what is really important.  Your vision matters and I think is is so important for you to pick up this book . . .

This is a God thing . . . This life is a life that God has blessed us with . . . This is vital information for every living soul on this earth . . . This is not just for Christians, but when you understand who you are, then you will also be a follower of the son of God . . .  God is not the author of confusion, it is very simple really.  God made you for a purpose and a reason.  Every aspect of your life belongs to God.

Andy Stanly wants you to think about your vision.  He writes the following:


For example, somebody might say, “I’m not hoping to start a church or ministry or anything like that. I’m trying to get a business off the ground. What does that have to do with ‘God’s overarching vision for the world’?”

If you have a similar question in mind, think about this for a moment: God does not compartmentalize our lives.

From God’s perspective, there are no spiritual versus or nonspiritual components of your life. He makes no distinction. There is no secular division of your life. You are a spiritual being. Therefore, everything you are involved in has spiritual overtones. He sees you holistically.

The Christians in the city of Corinth believed there was a division between the soul and the body. They thought they could sin with their bodies and it would have no impact on their souls. Paul pointed out that no such division existed. He told them that they were to glorify God with their bodies.

When Christ purchased you at Calvary, he purchased all of you: body, soul, and spirit. There is no division. You are to glorify God through your actions, regardless of where they take place and what role you are in at the time. You are to glorify God as a spouse, parent, friend, employee, boss, and citizen. What you do at the office, then, is no more or less spiritual than what you do at church or at home.

Consequently, there is a spiritual element to your vision regardless of which category of life it emanates from. There are no secular pursuits. Your vision does not exist apart from your responsibility to glorify God. The challenge is to discover the link.

Spend some time pondering this question: How can my heavenly Father be glorified through my vision?


This is what I think about . . . what can I do that will be evidence that my heavenly Father is the head spirit running the show!

Glory be to God !!


It is us who messes it up, it is God who sets everything back to working order.

-Until next time

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