Monday, November 20, 2017

Motivation for Monday: Playing Big

It makes me so happy when people get it . . . you know, like really get it . . .

I wrote a poem a while back about encouraging and recognizing our leaders who have dedicated their lives to doing the right thing.  They have the right moral compass, they lead by example, and they listen to the voice of God to do the right thing.  We should be constantly praying for these leaders.  The enemy doesn't like it when people "Get It."  When people really start responding to that inner voice, then they will really start to "Play Big."

This is my motivation for this Monday . . .

Start "Playing Big"

Let me explain what I mean real quick.  I get up at 5:30 every morning to talk to the Lord.  This is how I start my day.  Pretty soon I will start training myself to wake up at 5am then 4:30am so that I will have enough time to talk to God, read my word, and pray for a productive day.  You see, I now know that I will not leave things up to chance.  I will no longer start my day without first confirming the plan with the Lord.  The reason why I have to start doing this is because God gave me a vision, and one of my responsibilities is to write this blog.  In order to have enough time I have to get up earlier,  which is a small sacrifice to pay when I know that I will receive the protection of God throughout my day.  Taking the time to talk to God is a start to "Playing Big."

Now friends, this is not a phrase that I have coined myself, no, not at all.  If you read my blog then your know the Lord sends me books.  I don't know why he does this, I wasn't even a reader!  I didn't like to read.  I always thought  reading was a waste of time.  But now, I read all of the time.  I am reading this book called "Playing Big."  In the book, the author and leadership specialist, Tara Mohr explains what it means to stop going with the flow of how things are, and start believing in your uniqueness to achieve greatness.

You have it in you to achieve Greatness!!!

I have said it before and I will say it again.  God has planted everything that you need to be great inside of you.  Now he is just waiting for you to get it.  He wants you to understand it.  He wants you to start listening to him as the teacher.  He wants you to do the things that he says.  You see, that urge to get up earlier in the morning, isn't just a thought, it is a direction.  Getting up early is a law of God.  Jesus did it.  And I wasn't surprised that Tara Mohr wrote it in her book that she had an idea to make a change in the world, so she started blogging, she went to work during the day, and she was starting her own business that she worked on in the evening.  Guess when her day started: 5am.

If you really want to find your purpose and work towards your vision: Get up earlier!!


I have been reading through Psalms as a devotion this month.  I have been learning a lot from it.  It would be a disservice to you not to mention that being grateful and thankful to the Lord is a must.  It is very beneficial to your growth as a Christian and as a follower of the word.  Do not be fooled by false teachers who say that the law is not important.  There is definitely a misinterpretation of the purpose of the law, but that is for another discussion.  I said that to say this:  The word of the Lord is the Law, and it is wise for you to listen to the Holy Spirit when he is showing you something.  The Holy Spirit will write the right things in your heart.  Be obedient to the directions and he will protect you from the enemy . . .

Be thankful to the Lord at all times
Praise him for his goodness
Finally: Get up early and talk with him- he will direct you to where you need to go.

 God will teach us and correct us through his word because he loves us!

"Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord, and teachest him out of thy law; That thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity . . ." 

PSALM 94:12-13 


So, I have been reading lots of books from people who "Get it."  Much of the time, I read that they respond to a "small still voice," or "following their heart."  Sometimes, people who "Get it," don't really understand that they are talking to God, and that God is talking to them.  You see there are levels to this spiritual thing.  Pretty soon everyone will know that this whole journey is a spiritual thing.  Usually people who "Get it," in part want to write a book because the thoughts are so profound that they think that it is new.  There is nothing new under the sun, everything that is has been done before.  So the message to you is not to feel inadequate because something has been done before.  You must understand that there is something special in you,  there is something so unique in you that God wants you to share it with the world! Your perspective is what gives an old idea clarity in the current world that we are living in.  Start listening to that voice.  Go find your purpose in this world.  It is time for you to start "Playing Big!"

"When you have a dilemma, the wise part of you knows what next step is right . . . the wise part of you has a simple, elegant answer.  I call this core your inner mentor, because it's like having an advisor and supporter inside your own mind . . . Learning how to listen to your inner mentor instead of your inner critic is the first major movement toward playing bigger.  Playing big doesn't come from working more, pushing harder, or finding confidence.  It comes from listening to the most powerful and secure part of you, not the voice of self doubt."

-Tara Mohr  "Playing Big"


Your success will not come from toiling and working harder, this is a curse that we no longer have to live under.  We all need to stop playing this life game small!  Think bigger, live bigger, play bigger!!!  Jesus came so that we may have freedom.  He came so that we can live an abundant life.  Jesus came to teach us.  He comes to us in the form of the Holy Spirit to be our mentor, and our comforter.  Listen to him and he will direct you each and every step of the way.  Use your resources and know that this is true and divine.  We will no longer operate in fear.  God gave us a spirit of love, power, and strong mind.  We will stop doubting our abilities and we will become stronger by believing in faith.  Let us listen to and see the examples of people who are starting to "get it."  We have many examples of people who are following their purpose to fulfill God's purpose.  You can do it too.  You can Play Bigger!

Check out this book, by Tara Mohr.  You can get back to me about what you think about it in the comments if you had read it already.  I will do a review when I am finished.  This is what I'm reading, and I am also finishing up Visioneering by Andy Stanley. Stay tuned for the review.

Example of Playing Big

Also, check out this link to an article that was forwarded to me.  It is from my local newspaper, The Winslow Sun.  I live in Winslow Township and my kids are in the Marching Band for the high school.  They were very successful this season and I am so very proud.  I am not only proud of their dedication and commitment to the band, but I am moved by the contents of the show itself and the message that is presents.  The director of the band is a Christian who was not afraid to convey a message proclaiming God's words of unity, justice, and peace.  The poem that I wrote about leaders, listening and following the directions of the Lord was inspired by their director Mr. David Parkhurst.  I am very impressed and encouraged by his courage to Play Big.  Hence, I would love to share this article with you so that you will be encouraged as well.

Also: the poem

-until next time

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