Tuesday, October 10, 2017

"Because you are Cancer"

On the attempt to stay more on the up and up, I wanted to start with proclaiming how good God is.  His plan for us is something that no man can predict, interpret, or comprehend.  He is an awesome God to serve.  This is why I encourage people to live their life.  There is no reason to be afraid of the things in this world that attempt to elicit fear.  There is no need to be afraid of poverty, of death, of lack, of pain, or toil.  These are things that just have to be because the world is sick right now.  As believers we should know that God will protect us from the total hurt that we deserve and the death that the enemy wants us to experience.  Our faith in God's plan allows us to see a vision of the coming of God's Kingdom, a perfect system.  This is a government that surpasses all other governments.

With that said, I want to address the fatal shootings that happened in Las Vegas last week.  It was a horrible tragedy and I know that many people are devastated by the lives that were lost.  We pray for the victims and their families.  Let me explain what is happening.

There is a cancer that is spreading in the world today.  It started off small but now that it has spread, it is effecting our day to day lives.  It is this cancer that triggers the hurt of jaded souls which feel it necessary to massacre the living.  We weep at the tragedies that the cancer has caused, but we fail to cut the cancer out.  Cancer will do what it is designed to do, spread, kill, and destroy.  It will keep growing and taking up space, slowly breaking down vital components necessary to live.

There is a physician that can fix the problem, if only we would allow him to work.  While this good doctor begins to operate, he will simply begin to cut and remove.  Once the cancer understands what is happening, it will ask the doctor "Why are you trying to destroy me?"  The good doctor will reply matter-of-factually, "because you are cancer."

Message to All

The Lord is ready to operate, the procedure has already begun.  Prepare yourself to be used as a tool/instrument, in order for the doctor to complete his work.  The cancer will be cut out and the world will be healed.

Until Next Time.

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