Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I'm Following my Purpose

You know how they say, when something is bothering you or if there is something that you continually identify as a problem that you want to solve, it probably has a lot to do with your purpose.  Well our failed Public School System bothers me in my sleep.  I propose that this is the reason why I became a teacher.  I propose that this was God's plan all along.  Oh did mention that I have decided to enter my Doctoral program in education in order aid to this change.  Pray for me.

I use this blog not only to encourage you, but to be an example of what it means to follow your purpose.  I want to be an example of what it means to believe God for what he has made us for.  He created us to maintain a healthy world.  Now, because our world is so sick, he wants to use us to create change.  He made us to work to his purpose in this realm.  God's purpose will prevail.  When we dedicate our lives to his purpose, we should feel secure that we are on the right side.

The following is my letter of intent that I am submitting to the University.  It briefly explains why our school system needs to change and how I intend to contribute to that change:

One day, in my busy world of motherhood, my daughter shared the inception of a short essay she was working on.    Her teacher had challenged her to expound on the following quote:

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”
-Mahatma Gandhi.
I was intrigued by the assignment as it also challenged my thought process of what kind of change I would like to see in this world.  Although, I had heard this quote before, the familiarity of the soft buzzing hum seemed to suddenly explode into a melody of purpose.  An intricate composition of the growing concern of our school system becoming an industrial complex radiated the score.  Teachers are being lost in a system that does not support their growth as valuable mentors for our youth.  I have a gnawing suspicion that this is a system that sets our children up for failure.  Hence, I not only want to see a change in the American Public School System, but I want to be part of that change.
I am an educator who has decided to dedicate her life to helping people of all ages find and follow their purpose in life.  I do this by writing, marketing, and promoting content that motivates children, as well as adults, to claim their special gifts that God has blessed them with.  It is my fundamental belief that people can find their purpose if they are provided with the proper education and tools to realize their potential.  Ergo, one of my goals is to produce a body of work that supports the ideas of individual purpose, methods of process in cognitive development, and a spiritual educational pedagogy.  
It is my intent to complete a doctoral program that will enhance my knowledge about the philosophy of education.  The exposure and access to a database of educational theorist, behavioral theorist, and social theorist is absolutely essential to my research.  It is also my desire to write a comprehensive teacher training outline that encourages teachers to teach young children how to achieve greatness.   Hence, I feel it necessary to study and research the way young minds develop in order to establish a baseline understanding of the correlation between curriculum, social constructs, and the outcome of future life successes.
I am an art teacher and therefore strive on the foundational concepts of creativity and process.  These are two ingredients essential to making the world we live in a better place.    I understand that change takes time.  I am committed to taking the time to complete this Doctoral program with the intent to change the American Public School System as we know it.

What is your Purpose?

I know that this is part of my purpose.  I know that this is the next step that God needs me to take in order to complete the plan he has for my life.  This is my reasonable service.  I want you to think about the problem that ails you.  What issue concerns you?  What subject do you find yourself talking about non stop with friends and family?  This has something to do with your purpose.  You may hold the answers to a solution to the problem you want to see solved.  Let God use you.  Start your journey today.

How do I do that?

Have a quiet conversation with God. Tell him that you are ready to live your life on purpose.

-Until Next Time 


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