Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wisdom Wednesday: Trust God for Everything

May the Lord have complete control of my heart and my mind. Let God's perfect will be done in my life.

This is a statement that I must be mindful of everyday. There is so much that can distract us from the perfect will of God. The bible did say that there will be many seducing spirits in the world. We have to be very careful to test each and every spirit against the word of God. How do we do that? Well, friends, we must be in the word everyday. We have to have alone time with the Lord so that he can lead us to where we need to go.

I have to trust in the Lord. I can't walk this walk alone. I tried. I tried to do things in my own might. I am a self starter, an independent thinker, an over achiever. I always felt like I could do anything if I set my mind to it.

I can be the very best that I can be!

I can be anything I want to be!

This is what our culture teaches us and this is what many of us aspire to be; successful. However, every time I tried to do it on my own I was either # 1 Not as satisfied with the final outcome or #2 overwhelmed and exhausted from trying to achieve my own so called "success."

This was not living. Me, trying to do things on my own was a trap. We cannot have our ideas of success in this world, because this world is not set up for us to live the "easy life," that we aspire to obtain. This is a false promise by the enemy. This world was instead set up for you to grow. It was set up for you to learn how to be dependent on God for your needs, wants, and desires so that you can then receive your everlasting inheritance.

Remember that phrase that we used to hear in church;

Let go and let God!

Yes, this is what we should be doing.

This is your wisdom for Wednesday:
Put your complete trust in the word of God. We need to trust God for everything. This does take time and it is a process.

Let us not get confused about the process to get there. Yes, we need to learn how to live a surrendered life for Jesus, but this is not going to happen by following a set code of conduct or a list of rules. People tried it and it doesn't work. Trying to follow laws to justify one's self just produces more problems. Jesus died so that we can have a chance to achieve through him and his seed of righteousness. When we chose to believe Jesus by faith, we plant a seed of love and righteousness in our hearts. After this, we must go through our own individual process of knowing him so that we can decrease in the flesh and increase in the spirit.

Remember: Jesus Christ is the end of the law of righteousness

This simply means that you cannot earn your salvation. The easiest way to understand this fully is to develop a personal relationship with your Lord and put your complete trust in him. The Holy Spirit will teach you in all truth.

Let me explain it like this. Rules will not get you into heaven. Following rules only conditions the heart to try to work for freedom instead of accepting a free gift. You must be broken down in life to understand that you need this gift. Your flesh must be broken even more in order to let the Holy Spirit do a complete new work in you. This is what Paul meant when he related God's words for him to the people of Corinth:

My Grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness . . .

2 Corinthians 12:9

Friends, take comfort in you trials, for this means that God loves you. He chastise those whom he loves. Through your correction, he is made stronger and more evident in your life. Through your growth process there is something happening to your spirit behind the scenes. The Christ that is in you is continuing to grow. Have faith that everything is working out for the good.

Let God's perfect will be done in your life. Everything is happening for a purpose and a reason. Remember to put your complete trust in the Lord.

until next time

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