Thursday, May 17, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Hurt People, Hurt people

Greetings on this throwback Thursday:

For those of you who are not familiar with this blog I am the artteacher4purpose.  I used to be an art teacher in the public school system but I am transitioning out of that career.  I am currently a substitute teacher.  Last week I sat in on a very interesting conversation during an English class.   The class was discussing their perspectives on the novella "Of Mice and Men."   The statement was posed for analysis; "sometimes a friend has to hurt a friend in order to help them."

There were a lot of agreements and disagreements. The issue bounced and danced about, conjuring up the students ideas for further exploration on the subject. It quickly grew into a debate.  Until one student said something very profound:

"Hurt people, Hurt people"

Nodding my head in agreement, I quickly thought of a recent situation that I was living.  I had hurt a friend, unintentionally, and she expressed her feelings to me about it.  I apologized but in turn, I felt hurt that she was so upset about it.  So, which one of us were the hurt person doing the hurt?

I think sometimes, we can hurt people unintentionally, not really meaning to do it but just being unaware of the triggers and the things that can potentially open wounds of past hurts. We hurt each other unaware.  I think this happens to each and everyone of us at some time in our lives.  Some, more than others.  The ultimate truth is that we are all hurt people, so we all have the potential to hurt others.

It's not the most positive outlook on the discussion, but we can go even deeper. . .

Some students had the outlook that it was ok to tell a friend the truth about something even if it would hurt them.  The reasoning behind this was that if the truth was not told, eventually the not knowing would lead the friend to a deeper hurt.  Hence, the hurt was justifiable.  Many examples were given of this situation.

Let us give a spiritual example of this:

Some "Christians" would feel totally justified to yell and scream for an unbeliever to accept the gift of his soul's salvation.  They may condemn and point out flaws.  They may wave their bible and give holier than thou stares.  In their hearts they feel justified because they think they are doing it out of love.  They think they are helping a friend find Jesus.

The truth of the matter is, there is a right way and a wrong way to do everything.  In all your getting get an understanding.  This means that if one is wanting to help a friend, we have to learn how to do it the right way.  The right way can always be found in the word of God.  The word says that we should approach a friend with love.  We also approach our friends with a gentle and kind spirit.

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

Ephesians 4:15

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

I Peter 3:15

Check out this article that goes in even further detail about what it means to be gentle in your approach about sharing the truth of the gospel:

"Gentleness is a strong hand with a soft touch. It is a tender, compassionate approach toward others' weaknesses and limitations. A gentle person still speaks truth, sometimes even painful truth, but in doing so guards his tone so the truth can be well received."

I just wanted to give you something to think about this throw back Thursday.  I was reading a post from January 2017 and it got me thinking about the conversation we had in English class that day. . .  

Think about how you treat people.  Think about how others make you feel.  Are you a hurt person?  Do you hurt other people?  Do you feel that you are the one that is always being hurt?  I wonder what type of wound underneath all the busy-ness of life is still very sensitive for you?  Let us all learn to love like Jesus.

Here is your throw back article:

Day 6 "How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you."

When you hold love in your heart, you will share love with others.  When you hold joy in your heart you will share joy with others. What are you holding in your heart?  I am a Christian, and unfortunately that is not saying a whole lot in this day and time, especially in America.  Many people are being hurt, mistreated, and frustrated by the church.  People are being mistreated by others who call themselves Christians.  Well, this is because, those people who hurt other people, hold hurt in their hearts.  A lot of the times we want to condemn and point the finger at people who are rude, crude, and hurtful.  But what we should really do is pray for them.  People who spread hurt are hurting themselves.

As individuals and as Christians we should be conscious of the way we treat others.  Moreover, we should become more conscious of the way people feel around us.  I think we get confused when we try to do this by ourselves, by our own merits.  When we "try," we are really being fake.  Instead we have to fill ourselves with the right source, as a result love, joy, happiness, kindness, and patience become part of us.  When something is a part of you, it happens naturally.  If you are faking it, it will only take a little persuasion for the real you to come out.

So how do you make other people feel?  Are you hurt, are you angry, or are you loving and kind?  How ever you make people feel around you, you are pulling from a source, a source way deep inside of you.  Sometimes, that source can be conjured by someone who agitates that area of your life.  In other words that person "pushes your button."  Next time you are around someone that makes you feel uncomfortable, ask your self why.  Why does this person have this effect on me?  This will also help you become more aware of how other people feel around you.  Be a happy person, find a source that feels you with happiness.  This is why we were designed to do things that make us feel happy, and  fulfilled, according to the purpose that God has for us.  When we follow our purpose, we are stronger, happier, and better people.  When we are happy, we can make other people happy.

How do you make others feel?  This says a lot about who you are . . .

I pray that this was a blessing to your heart
I pray that it is received with love because it is sent in love
Remember not to be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but let his love shine through you.  Share his truth with gentleness and respect.

Live this life on purpose friends
encouraging and motivating each other in their journeys
Until next Time

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