Thursday, June 8, 2017

Live Life Post 135 God does not need our help

So I've learned another really important lesson.

God doesn't need our help.

I know this! I know this! 

Or at least I thought I knew this already.  He has given me an assignment because he has called me to do something.  Now, when God calls you to do something he has already equipped you with everything that you need to carry out the task.  Anything extra that you chose to put yourself through, well that is up to you.

Here's the thing . . . He called me to spread the purpose message . . .  this is true . . . this is what I have bee attempting to do with his blog.  Then I start going here and there researching on the internet how to make money on the internet since I am at home all day and not working.  I missed the whole point of me being out of work.

God says to me . . What did I tell you to do?

He told me to write a book.  I started . . . I am pushing myself to finish this book, but it has been a year and I am still not finished .  Why?

It is because I am choosing to put all these other things in the way of the first thing that God told me to do.  I wouldn't be worried about making money if I had already written the book.

God doesn't need any help.  He is the almighty all knowing God.  He knows what doors to open and what doors to close.  He knows who to put in your life and who to take out.  It is just up to us to be obedient to what he is telling us to do.

I wasn't obedient.  I thought that I was doing the right thing by doing what everyone else was doing in the internet business.

Why are we so influenced by the world, and not influenced by what the word says?

Am I sure of what the word says or am I just saying /thinking that I know?

The word says to wait on the Lord, Wait I say!

Instead of waiting, I feel myself being tugged here and there . . . trying to out work the next person in this internet marketing madness.  Well, I'm tired.  I don't even like social media and I still didn't figure out Instagram or even touched snap chat!!

God is showing me that it was never meant for me to be a follower, instead he wants to make me a leader.  A leader does things different.  Things work out for a leader with new and inventive ways to do things.  Things work out for Kingdom citizens.  I am a Kingdom citizen but I am allowing my self to be distracted by so many other things.

I keep telling myself:  "Well after the bridal shower,well after vacation, well then after the wedding, well after I deal with the kids graduation, well after VBS, after the family reunion meeting . . ." on and on and on.

My head is about to explode!!!  So much to do, so little time!

I'm overwhelmed . . . and I said this before. . . I had learned this lesson before. . .

I have to Prioritize My Purpose!

It doesn't matter what is on everyone else's agenda for me . . . God gave me this special time to be with him.  To learn and grow for him.  It is very important for me to take this time, be still in God and grow in my purpose.

God doesn't need any help from me.  He can do it all himself.

I don't have to make tons of YouTube videos or create tons of blog post or go on periscope every morning trying to make a name for myself.  It is not necessary.  God gave me one task to work hard on and apply my self in and that is writing.

So, I'm going to be obedient and I'm going to stop trying to help God.

He knows the plan that he has for me.  I just have to trust him.  I have to have faith that he is working behind the scenes in something I don't even know has been fixed yet.  I release this heavy load and I will wait on the Lord.

Sometimes there are things that God allows us to see in our future, but it is just sent to us to motivate us to keep going in what we are already doing.  Believing that God has already worked out our future.  Future vision is not given to us in order to try to skip steps to be well known. 

God is not a short cut God . .

God wants to take us through the process of growth.

So I'm going to take this one to heart . . . I'm going to apply this one this time . . . I'm going to stop trying to do everything and stop trying to be everywhere at once.  I'm going to try my best to focus on my three main goals ;

#1 Finish this book
#2 Keep this blog going (improving it day by day)
#3 Be a good manager of my home

This is what I will focus on, so let me go clean my house now!

Remember, God does not need our help, he just needs our obedience.

Love you with the love of Jesus.  Praying that this is helpful in your journey to find your purpose.

Until Next Time

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