Friends, I want to encourage you this morning to live your best life. Love it! Understand that to live life is a gift from God. We are supposed to work and enjoy the work that we do so that we may enjoy the fruits of our labor.
who walk in obedience to him.
2You will eat the fruit of your labor;
blessings and prosperity will be yours.
Psalms 128: 1-2 NIV
King Solomon shares his wisdom about our life's work:
This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot.
19Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God.
20They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart.
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 NIV
Your life's work isn't just your job. It can be, but what ever it is that you do everyday you should love it. Ask God to help you love it. Be at peace and be content in every situation. Enjoy the place that you are in. It is not a sin to enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Here is your Motivation for Monday
Enjoy Every Part of your living
Enjoy Every part of your work
It is ok to
Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor
This is not a suggestion, but it is a law in the Kingdom. A law in the Kingdom is not something that you are commanded to follow, instead it is something that happens naturally as a result of an occurrence. For example, if you jump off of a building, the law of gravity requires you to fall. If an object is at rest, it remains at rest until another force acts on it: law of inertia. If you labor in the field to plant seed, you produce a harvest, law of sowing and reaping. Cause and effect. If you put time into something, you should be able to enjoy a payment for your time. But what do we do friends? We throw away our time so that we cannot enjoy the law. . .
Do not overwhelm yourself with too much "stuff"
Take it down a notch and start enjoying your life.
Friends, let it be known that this takes practice to enjoy the fruits of your labor. It's not going to happen over night. I know that I am guilty of overcrowding my schedule with TOO MUCH!! This was a habit that I had to break. We can not be everything to everybody, all of the time. You will get burned out if you keep giving and someone else keeps taking! Cause and effect. It is important to take time out and fill your spirit with something good and pleasant. Now, I'm not saying that we over indulge, eat bon-bons, or drink wine all day, but I am saying:
Enjoy the Fruits of your labor.
We can live our best life if we ask our father how. He tells us not to labor to be rich, but instead seek the kingdom of God. Our spirits are slowly learning the ways of the Lord and I pray that this blog is helping you on your journey . . .
Another word of encouragement for those who are feeling used, abused, and overwhelmed. Give it to the Lord. A lot of the times, the things that people do to us are not done on purpose. Sometimes people can hurt us deeply because we feel like they are using us. This is wrong thinking. Much of the time it is our mindset that allows people to use us. Additionally, the Lord may need you to be in the place that you are so that he can use you to bless others. It is all about the way you look at the situation. Think about it? What is your perspective about how people use you? Are you allowing God to use you? If so, do you have a practice or quiet time to let the Lord feed your spirit?
Let someone else pour into you for a change!
Sometimes, it is our nature to be strong for everyone else, that we don't let people help us. We must understand the law of Giving and Receiving. You must be able to do both in order to have balance in your spirit. Practice receiving, as well as giving. At the same time, don't let people take advantage of your giving spirit. You will indeed feel stressed, overwhelmed, and lose your will to keep moving forward if you let others take, take, and take.
This is how you know if you are indeed being used by people: You are not the first to enjoy the fruits of your labor; instead, someone else is always enjoying material things that you have worked for. This is not the way the Kingdom works. The Lord says:
The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.
2 Timothy 2:6
Look friends, God made us and he understands the world that we live in. We got ourselves involved in a whole lot of materialism, and "stuff." It is a sin to always want and to covet material things, but it is not a sin to enjoy what you work for. We don't place the value on the material item, but we place the value on the reward.
Great is the reward if you endure this world. Great is the reward if you do the work.
God wants to change our mind so that we place more value on our time. He wants us to place more value on the Kingdom. He wants us to place more value on nurturing our minds. He wants us to place more value on understanding his word so that we can live a life of peace, love, and joy.
Learn the ways of the Lord and Enjoy the fruits of your labor
Remember to Live Life on Purpose.
Until Next Time
All my love