Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Teacher Tuesday: Sis. Sharon, 25 signs of a prophet

If I needed to stay on track and check my awareness, I check out Sis. Sharon on YouTube.  She tells it like it is and she is a great teacher . . .

Just a warning, she may be just a little too direct for some people and I wouldn't be surprised if she were to offend someone.  But I watch her and I learn a lot.

This is the thing friends,  God has opened up a window in heaven and he is pouring out much insight about who you are.  It is time for people to start waking up and start using their gifts.  But first, you must learn who you are.  Why are you here on this earth?  There are some prophets, some teachers, some ministers, some evangelists etc.  We must not get caught up in a title or human promotion but instead listen to the voice of the Lord.  What will he have you to do?

We have preachers who are chosen to preach the word so that people can hear it. We have evangelists that are supposed to travel and preach the word of God.  We have missionaries who are suppose to show the compassion of God's love through service and mission work.  We have prophets who are supposed to warn the people of the consequences of their actions.  We have dreamers, we have interpreters, we have influencers, we have communicators, we have so many gifts in the body of Christ!

Our biggest mistake as a church is putting one gift ahead of another and praising the man for his gift.  All praise and recognition should go to our father in heaven. If people do not have the ear to hear, they just won't get it.  If your gift is not to preach the word, people won't hear it.  I now know that I am a teacher and a connector.  I am here to present the information and help you make the necessary connections in order to operate in a higher understanding.  I'm also understanding that if your heart is not worthy, God will block you from that understanding until you are ready.

We have to start identifying who we are and what our gifts are.  Sister Sharon is going to break down 25 signs that you are called to be a prophet or prophetess for God.

Here are a few that she explains in the video:

  1. The prophet hates the sin but not the person
  2. Has an understanding of eternal consequences
  3. Always aware of God's Holiness
  4. Annoyed by corruption in organized religions
  5. Questions man's traditions
  6. Not a follower of people
  7. Walks in calling but not boasting about it
  8. Talks about God's standards for living
  9. Has no desire of this present world
  10. Skillful in the word of God
  11. Thinker-Creative-Resourceful
  12. Takes charge and usually is accused of taking over
  13. Worshiper
  14. Teaching is about living holy and being holy
  15. Outcast/ doesn't fit in

Learn more, take notes, and be aware of your gifts!

Let us all start operating in our purpose. . .

-until next time

My name is Tamorra and I am the art teacher for purpose.  I write, create, and promote information that will help you find your purpose in life.  I want to encourage you to live your life on purpose by using your gifts, your talents, and your abilities to help expand the Kingdom purpose.  Let us help each other by loving each other.  Let us love as Jesus loves.  Let us help spread his message of everlasting life.


I encourage you to read this blog so that you can learn what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to his people. . .

. . . hey, go ahead and click the follow button on the side so that you don't miss any new posts . . .

Monday, July 30, 2018

Motivation for Monday: Emotional Roller Coaster

Welcome Back Friends. Happy Monday!

If this is your first time joining us my name is Tamorra and I am the art teacher for purpose.  I write, create, and promote information that will help you find your purpose in life.  I want to encourage you to live your life on purpose by using your gifts, your talents, and your abilities to help expand the Kingdom purpose.  Let us help each other by loving each other.  Let us love as Jesus loves. Let us help spread his message of everlasting life.

I feel that it is so very important to get centered.  It is so very important to grab hold of your feelings and your emotions so that you are not pulled back and forth by them. We have to get of off the spinning tea cup ride because we are all so disoriented and dizzy all of the time. You don't want your emotions to control you, but you want to have control over them.  You are the one who needs to identify how you feel and why you feel that way.  Your feelings are designed to warn you of the change that is going on inside of you.  This is the way that God designed you.  Use what he has blessed you with to help grow your awareness.

Here is the thing.  God sent his son here to show us how this is done.  Jesus's life showed us how to control our atmosphere.  Jesus was not controlled by the outward appearance of things.  Instead, he was in control of his own reality by the truth that his father in heaven had told him.  He had control over his surroundings, over his mind, and over his emotions.

A verse that I sowed in my heart:

For as much as Christ had suffered in the flesh, arm yourself likewise with the same mind, for he that suffers in the flesh ceases from sin and no longer spends his time to the lust of men but to the will of God . . . (paraphrased in my mind, check out II Peter chapter 4:2)

Here goes the thing, Jesus understood how the flesh worked.  He also understood how the spirit and the mind worked.  It is all connected, yes, but they should not operate on the same premise of reality.  Let me slow down a bit and tell you this:

This world is only an illusion of the truth.  Why? Because it is a counterfeit world (Kingdom) set up by the enemy (which is and will be, but is not yet).  Hence, The reality is the Kingdom of Heaven (the real Kingdom) and the laws of that Kingdom are what we should really be operating in.  The more we follow the Holy Spirit, the more we will be operating in the real Kingdom.  Jesus's body held the Holy Spirit, this is why he had such complete control over his environment.  This is why his mind was not tempted by the flesh, he was armed with the mind to do the will of God.

I said that to explain this:  Your emotions, and your false environment are being used as a distraction to you. We have to stop using the blessing of this life to obtain the lust of the flesh.  We have to come out of the world culture. The world that we are living in today is set up to send you on an emotional rollercoaster, always having you disoriented from your purpose.  It is time to get focused.  It is time to identify your emotions, deal with them, and interpret what they really mean.  I am going to tell you what they mean right now. . . All of your feelings of failure, disgusts, sadness, emptiness, discontentment, lustfulness, selfishness, envy, slothfulness, overwhelm, and worry are signs that you are not calibrated correctly.  You are off center, you are off course.  You are falling and you can't get up!  It is time to get off of the emotional roller coaster and call on a savior, because you need help!!!

Help!!! Help us Lord!!!

Here is your motivation for Monday:

God sent us a savior . . . 

Jesus will get us off of the emotional roller coaster.  He will also take us out of the Amusement Park all together!

Can we really say that we are not an emotional mess?  No one is perfect.  Lord knows that I am not perfect.  I just know that I got tired of going on ride, after ride,  after ride; receiving no lasting amusement and always feeling sick to my stomach.  Come out of that false reality.  I know the illusions and delusions are becoming stronger and more entertaining, but these attractions will never fulfil your true purpose.  These rides that you go on will always end.  You need something with substance.  Something that will last, and fill you up.

In other words, leave the candy (the temptations of this world) alone because it has no nutritional value to your spirit!

We want to change our minds . . . We need to grab hold of the same mind of Christ.  The true meaning of our life is to do the will of our father.  We need to be reconnected with him.  We had to be cut off because we were too dangerous to our selves.  Our hearts were always wondering off from our father in heaven.  Today we need to take on the mind of Christ and no longer live for the flesh, but live to fulfill God's will for his Kingdom.

I encourage you to read this blog so that you can learn what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to his people. . .

 . . . hey, go ahead and click the follow button on the side so that you don't miss any new posts . . .

Do you follow me on Google +?



I would appreciate any shares so that you can help me spread this message about the Kingdom!!!

This is good stuff and I just want to thank you for your comments, your shares, and for my readers.

This post goes out to one of my favorite readers who had recently passed away.  This is for you Carol, love you, and I pray that you and Brett are having a good time up there.  Say hi to my dad for me . . .

-Until next time

Saturday, July 28, 2018

How do I know what business to start?

Hey everyone,

So if you are not aware, I do a periscope on Saturdays at 10am.  I am going to try to be more consistent with writing notes about it because I think the Lord gives me information for you to take away and apply to your life . . . So check out the scope but also write these things down:

You can find a link to the video by joining me on Google + or by following the Live Life Project Collection . . .

What I know:
  • The Kingdom is moving forward.   The Lord is giving his people ideas about business.  What I see is a people coming out of mind bondage and starting to operate in Kingdom principles. . .

You are the head and not the tail

You are above and not beneath

You are made for great things!

  • The Holy spirit has given you ideas to move forward in business, entrepreneurship, and non-profits.  He is giving you ideas on how to help people, help communities, and to grow organizations for the betterment of a particular territory.  The expansion is happening.  You are supposed to start now!

How do you know what business to start?

God has probably talked to you about starting your business, but you are not hearing him clearly enough.  This is why you need to build your relationship with the Lord so that you can hear and understand the directions he is giving to you.

There is a reason why you got fired from your job . . .
There is a reason why your spouse left you. . .
There is a reason why you were separated from that church. . .
There is a reason why you started thinking differently about how to live this life!

God is calling you to something greater!!!

You are suppose to use your gifts, talents, and abilities that God has given you to expand the territory he has given you.  It is time for a major mind shift and the way that you are thinking. . . .

Think about this:  What is that thing that you spend time on when you are not working your job?  What is that thing that you spend your money on?  What is that thing that you don't count as a gift but you do it so easily and everyone asks you to do it . . . What is the thing that you are known for . . The thing that you will lose sleep over?  This is the thing that you do.  This is the passion that God has given you to explore and grow.

Write down you talents.  Write down your gifts.  What dreams do you have about how to use these things in your life?  Your dreams are not crazy!!!  Your dreams are real.  The vision that God has given you is real.  Start off small, build your foundation, and move into the next level of your purpose.

You are being trained for this!

Your whole life was designed to teach you about your purpose!

#1  Figure out what your business is going to be by exploring who you are and what your gifts are.  
#2  Make up your mind to make the Holy Spirit the CEO of your company.  Done deal, he is hired!
#3  Get a journal, start writing down everything that he tells you to do, step by step . . .
#4  Pray on the regular.  Figure out what your pray strategy is going to be and make it part of your everyday life.

You need to pray specifically and strategically

Pray that the Lord:

  1. Organize your mind
  2. Organize your Relationships
  3. Organize your home life/church life/ work life: these things all need to become one
  4. Organize and get your money mind recalibrated.

I talk about what each of these things means and why they are important on my scope:

New starts:  How do I know what business to start?

check out the video . . . these are my notes on this Saturday live video scope, along with the following books/Authors:

Mike Murdock:  He will give you specific information on how to sow seed, the purpose of sowing seed, and the different types of seed there is.
Read: "Dream Seeds"

T.D. Jakes:  Check out his book about prioritizing your purpose and entrepreneurship.  Look up "Destiny" and "Soar"

Terri Savelle Foy:  You need to get your mind organized!! Trust me, this one is good for you: "Declutter your Way to Success."  

Francis Shovel Shinn : "The Game of Life and How to Play" Listen to this today!!!


To all of those who are just starting your journey. . . do not get caught up with the new age movement!!  Jesus has sent us help, and that is the Holy Spirit.  Let the Holy Spirit guide you in all understanding.  Let the Word of God (The Bible)  be the foundation of all truth in your life.

-Until Next Time

If you like this post, share it with someone . . .

Don't miss anything . . . click follow and join this blog!!

Finally I want to refer to you the most important book you will read in your whole life:

Start reading today!!

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Kingdom of heaven is Like Part 3

Welcome to freedom Friday where we get excited about living a life out of bondage!  The life that we live with Jesus is above and beyond awesome.  People will not understand why some people are so happy and at peace even after they have lost their job, lost a child, lost their home, lost their husband etc. . .   The thing is, things from this world are going to grow old and rust.  The things of this world are given to you so that the enemy can steal it . . . but when you let the Lord take care of you, the enemy can't take his gifts away.  When you have a close relationship with the Lord you know by faith that you win, that what God has for you is for you.  Our loved ones that leave here are waiting for us on the other side.

Let me remind you about the Kingdom of Heaven:

The Kingdom of heaven is a commonwealth.  This means that everyone shares everything.  You personally don't own items, but you use them as you need them.  Then you give it to others as you see their need.  There is no hoarding in the Kingdom.  It is a system of giving and receiving.  There is a harmony to it.

I am giving you this information because it was given to me freely.  My heart is also open to receiving information freely.  I test it against the scriptures of course, but I have learned to live in the harmony of both giving and receiving.

I received a lot of information about the Kingdom from a book that my cousin Joel shared with me.  It is called "Understanding Your Kingship."  I am going to share the link with you because it is available on Amazon for $15. . . Very informative information about the Kingdom and your Kingdom rights as a citizen.  Check it out.


I want to encourage you to keep studying about the Kingdom of Heaven because I really want you to go.  I want all of God's people to live with him forever and ever.  Amen.

Here is another great message from Dr. Myles Munroe.  Learn about your freedom.  Learn about your inheritance.  Learn about your heritage.  Learn about the Kingdom of Heaven.

until next time

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like part 2

I want to talk about the Kingdom this week so that we all can get an understanding of what God is about to do in us and through us.

The end will come when we start preaching the right message.  We have just transitioned into the end of the end times because of this message that is being preached today.   It is the same message that Jesus preached when he was here on the earth. What is the message?

Change your mind about how you are living this life because the Kingdom of heaven is coming!!

I can no longer tell people with a straight face, "You need to go to church or your relationship with God will suffer,"  this just isn't true anymore . . .

I have met people with a deeper faith, and a closer walk with the Lord that are not members of any particular church.  We have to change our minds about who we are and who we want to be for Christ.  Do we want to be stuck up Pharisees, not willing to teach the lost about Jesus Christ?  Are we more concerned about maintaining our security in our false church systems, labor systems, and education systems?  Are we really willing to give up our lives to do the work of the Lord?

I am not saying not to go to church.  Please don't get me wrong on that.  I am an educator and I understand that everyone has different learning styles and needs.  Some of us need church.  We need the fellowship, the support, and the structure.  Others, however may need hands on learning experiences.  Some may need to crash and burn to really discover and grow their relationship with the Lord.  The church structure is not for everyone.  The church structure has failed so many searching for the truth.

This is what is happening . . . the church is being found out . . . it does not fulfill the need of the people . . . Religion is not working . . . people still feel used, abused, mistreated, unwanted, and unfulfilled.  The weight is so heavy, people are leaving here left and right.  People are committing suicide, giving up, taking drugs, eating food, working jobs that they know are going to kill them.

I am pointing out that people are searching for something more.  They try to get spiritual when they reach a certain point in their lives.  They search for a deeper meaning to life.  They look for it in Buddha, Allah, Krishna, Confucius, Science, or what ever other religion they find.  There is a big gaping hole inside each and everyone of us that will never be filled by things, false worship, or religion. It will not be filled by simply going to church.  You must develop a relationship with the one and only true God.  I am going to tell you right now how to meet him: Get broken.

God wants us to return to our original purpose.

He wants us to return to Kingdom living.

We have to break, become weak, and humble ourselves.  We cannot save ourselves.  We need a savior.  We need to except Jesus as our King.

We have to study to find out exactly what Kingdom living is . . . Kingdom living is living free.  Kingdom living is trusting the King to provide for the land and the people in it.  Why? Because it is his responsibility and in the best interests to be the righteous King that he said he was going to be.  So, all that we have to do is become citizens of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom has it's own language, it's own culture, it's own government, it's own land, and it's own currency.  Your faith is the currency that will allow you access to the paperwork that will tell you exactly how to pick up your citizenship certificate.  There will be a lot of processing in the process.  However, you must know that your salvation paper work was filled out and filed 2,000 years ago.  It is already paid for.  It is waiting for you at the Kingdom gift shop of records and documents.

I encourage you to learn more and more about the kingdom.  Study to show your self approved.  Research, learn, understand this word of truth.  If you are one to experience church hurt, or a deep hurt from a person you thought was a "Christian,"  you must know that that is not God's doing.  Our church system today is not something that God designed.  Get to know God the way he made you to know him.  Personally and up close. . .

By Faith

Throwback Thursday:

I really enjoyed a speech from Denzel Washington.  He did a commencement address entitled "Put God First."  I feel like the speech was a great testament of faith.  There is no doubt in my mind that Denzel has a personal relationship with God.  Believe in God to take you to higher places, to fulfill your dreams so that everyone knows that he is in control of your life.  That is a beautiful thing . . .I am going to leave you with this throw back video and post:

Here comes the kingdom!

Until next Time

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like part 1

The Kingdom of Heaven is like the good teachers in the public school system.  Let me explain . . .

I would like to talk about the Kingdom so that we all can have a better understanding of what it is about.  The world we live in right now is not operating under the Heavenly Kingdom management system.  Today, our world is under demonic leadership and several demonic kingdoms.  Their are powers of darkness in high places controlling the minds of men.  Their are principalities slowly changing fundamental principles of law, that we accept as right.  Today, what is right is said to be wrong and what is wrong is said to be right.

We are a world separated by many different perspectives, ideas, cultures, religions, and lands.  This is done on purpose by Satan's rule and his false expansion.  Here is the thing that the Lord showed me that many people do not understand;  Satan is in a prison right now.  He is not operating at his full capacity.  His kingdoms are working very hard to try to manifest his spirit into this present world.

How do I know this, because the spirit showed me.  Satan is limited at this time, he is in a cell.  His goal was to expand his thought through out the earth so that he could have rule over the earth.  The only way he could do that was by tricking the people (us) into believing that he has control.  Here goes the thing, he does not have control.  He doesn't even have control over his own followers.  He has expanded his idea throughout the land, throughout the world, but his kingdom is divided.  Every fallen spirit is trying to set up his own following.  Jesus said a house divided cannot stand.

Hence, the coming of the Lord's Kingdom will be here in the fullness of time.  The Lord will not rush the growth of his Kingdom.  The Lord will carefully grow his Kingdom and test the hearts of his followers.  He will take them through a journey so that they can show their true loyalty to the king.  The Lord will expand his Kingdom in love, in truth, in honesty, and with patience.

Once the Lord's people humble themselves, and turn from false ideas of what life is about, then the Lord will grow their spirit and begin to establish the true principles about his Kingdom government.

The Kingdom of heaven today is operating like the good teachers in the  public school system.  There are some good teachers, there are some bad teachers.  There are some great veteran teachers that teach the younger teachers, while there are some horrible, ignorant, destructive teachers trying to kill the dreams of children.  There is a mix of people trying to help children, and then there are those who are hidden in the mix working to destroy good work.

Follow me on this analogy . . .

The Public School system is set up in a hierarchy of chains of administration.  The superintendent is over the board, and the board make decisions about school politics.  We have the administration, like the principals, that carry messages from the superintendent back to the teachers.  The teachers then follow these direction in order to teach the children in the way that the superintendent conveyed.  But wait, because actually the superintendent  has to follow the rules of the State, and the state has guidelines to follow based on a committee of people from an Education Association  that may or may not have any real interest in a child's education enrichment.  Why is this?  Because they are swayed by money from programs that will support its own capitalistic fiscal growth objectives.  Hence, money begins to make decisions, and a child's education is compromised by want, gain, power, notoriety, and selfish ambition.

There is more . . .

The school system has another level of authority over the state, and these are federal regulations.  The federal standards of the public education system supports the constructs of consistent education programming.  There are core standards that are now passed and every state is to adopt some type of curriculum that implements these standards.  The only problem with this is the people that are making these standards and writing the curriculum are the same people who compromise their values for the opportunity to gain power, money, and notoriety.  Hence, their program is to teach the children how to be compliant, how to obey authority, how to work hard for false praise and false promises of a better life through education.  These concepts follow almost every mind out of this education system into adulthood.  We become workers to support a false system. This system of education stays in place because it supports the balance of capitalism.

These same people perpetuate the idea that the teachers are the problem.  These same people are tracking the divergent and the innovators that lay threat to their false system.  You see, they need this program to keep going the way that it is, so that they can consistently have workers to work for them, and not to be able to think for them selves.  These are the same people that will spend millions of dollars to keep people suppressed, depressed, and oppressed to keep hoarding money.  They love money.  Perhaps, without realizing it, they are serving the enemy's kingdom.  Greed has an evil root.

The people making decisions about education are the furthest away from the children that are being raised, taught, and later distributed into society.  In reality, the teachers should be the ones to make these curriculum decisions but often find their hands tied by the laws of the state and federal government regulations.  Regardless to say, that the failure of education system does not and should not solely fall on the shoulders of the teachers; especially the good ones.

The education system is a mess. . .

There is a heavy lie that intertwines itself into the fabric of this education system.  The lie is that the school is run by the administration and the higher ups.  The lie is that the children have no say in what they are learning or how they are learning it.  The misconception is that the children and the teachers just have to accept what is being fed by this capitalistic serpent.  The truth is, the parents have the most power in this whole situation.  They have the power to speak up, and to advocate for their children.  They have power to make their congressmen aware of things that are happening in their school district.  They have power to speak against decisions made by the board.  The most successful school districts are the ones where the parents care enough to come together and to advocate for their children's future!

Here goes the reason why this education system reminds me of the Kingdom:

We have a parent that will advocate for us.  We are the children and our Father is God.  We are stuck in an education system that is meant to destroy us and keep us enslaved. We are labeled, we are funneled, we are hoarded along like sheep to the slaughter.  Some of us become teachers, but can't seem to get through to the generation behind us.  The tools and the curriculum given to us are not working.  The good teachers know that there has to be a better way.  Our children grow up, pushed into society, unprepared, immature, hunted, and killed from lack of knowledge.

The education system is analogy of this world.

We are in a world system that is set out to destroy the children of God.  The world operates on the system of money, gain, and selfish ambition.  People in power will compromised their soul if it meant gain for himself.  Hence, most men's minds are not thinking clearly.   The world teaches and programs the young to think: "I have to get mine,"  "I'm looking out for number one," and "get rich or die trying." Our capitalistic system promotes this thinking.  The human mind that God designed, however, is not made to accept mediocrity.  The demonic Kingdom's of this world have and continues to convince God's people that we are "Normal."  Why?  Because if we believe that we are not meant for anything awesome, we would not feel any pull to our destiny.  This leaves our destinies unfulfilled, and available for a false Kingdom to steal it.

I have great news!

The world system has failed in trying to erase our drive of fulling our destiny.  It has confused it, yes.  It has misdirected it, yes. It has delayed it, yes.  It has tried to use and abuse it, yes. It has even tried to funnel the strong into the music industry, sports, and Hollywood, yes.  But now I have news for the demonic Kingdom that has set all of this nonesense up . . . Here comes the Kingdom of Heaven!

Let us understand this; we do have an enemy that has set up many traps and many false systems to try to distract us from what is really going on.  Most of the things that are happening in this world are just analogies for what is going on in the spiritual realm.  Everything is a parable, an analogy, or a metaphor.  Everything.  This is the way the great teacher teaches.  The great teacher, teaches in steps and levels of ones individual understanding.  Allowing the learner to discover, and live the process of their discovery.  A great teacher exposes the learner to the truth and then allows them to draw their own conclusions and test those conclusions through real experience.  We all are participating in real experience.  We must realize that the false systems of the enemy are unfulfilling and counterfeit duplicates of God's system.  God has organized a system that has it's own government; judicial system, economic system, education system, labor system, military system, medical system, and prison system.

You don't want to go to God's prison system.

The Kingdom today are those great teachers who speak on the behalf of the parents.  The Kingdom today are those good teachers willing to be trained by the veteran teachers.  The Kingdom today is the Holy spirit leading people out of a failing system and opening their eyes to see that something is not right.  The world system is not working.  There has to be a better way.  Together and in unity those teachers can make a difference.  Those teachers can really spread the message of the power of Jesus Christ.  They can spread the message about the power of the truth.  They can spread the message about the best way to teach our young people about who they are, what they are here for, what their dreams are, and what their destiny is . . . We don't have to be intimidated or afraid of the world administration.  We have the true power to support us.  We have our father to advocate for us.

We are expanding our territory. . .
Here comes the Kingdom!

Question to ponder:

How can anyone keep putting their faith in a system that consistently fails, and also trust that the failing system can offer any real solutions to the problem that is has created?

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Teacher Tuesday: Dr. Myles Munroe

What is the Kingdom?

The Kingdom is a government.  The Kingdom is God's system of management that is flawless and perfect.  God is the king of his kingdom and he has set a plan to expand his Kingdom.  Stick with me this week and I will refer more information about the Kingdom of Heaven.

You may want to follow the blog so that you won't miss anything. After today I will not be promoting this teaching on any other social outlets.  This is for those hearts who are eager to hear, to learn, and to one day teach this message to others.

I want to refer to you yet again a man of God who's words have impacted the world.  He is my favorite teacher on the Kingdom; Dr. Myles Munroe.  I would like to talk about the Kingdom this week because a lot of people are confused about what it is.  Others have never heard this message, but it is the truth that the Holy Spirit is sending to his people.

I say this prayer for you today:

Let this word reach the ears that it is supposed to reach.
Lord, you are mighty and awesome
Your plan surpasses our understanding
We thank you for your plan and the coming of your Kingdom
Help the people know and understand who they are
Help people to discover their Kingdom destiny
Help people change their mindset about why they are here on this earth
Touch their spirit, that will change their mind, that will change their life
Lord, we are looking for something that will fill our emptiness
It is you, it is your son, it is the Holy Spirit
It is about us entering into our purpose
It is about a relationship with you
Father show us the way to you
Help us to learn your ways
Help us to find your peace
Help us to enter into the joy of the Lord

This video will answer the following questions:

5 Questions that control the entire world

Who am I?

Where do I come from?

Why am I here?

What can I do?

What is my destiny?

Check it out.  Very powerful stuff!

Key Take Aways

  • Success is predictable

  • God made you to succeed

  • You have everything you need inside of you to succeed

  • God wants you to succeed because it is his reputation on the line!

  • You are important to the Kingdom!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Welcome Back Kingdom

Hello Everyone!

We are starting a new chapter on this blog.  I am officially back from vacation and I am ready to share with you the word of God!! God gave me some awesome revelations about who I  am and about who you are.  He let me know that I need to let you know who you are as a people . . .

I just came back from a marvelous, but very busy Family Reunion Weekend at the Crown Plaza located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.  I happened to be part of the planning committee that put the whole thing together.  I am proud to say that everyone came together and did an awesome job at this event.

With that said, I want to let you know how important family is.  We understand that our core family, what we may refer to as our immediate family, is very important to us.  We do things for our family that we may not do for others.  We say prayers, spend time, spend money, and invest in our family like we may not do for others.  It is time that we take this concept of family and apply it to the Kingdom . . .

The Lord wants me to let you know that we are all family under the blood of Jesus.  When we accept Jesus into our lives as our personal savior, we become part of the Kingdom Family.  We must begin to live in this truth.  We must invest in each other, love one another, pray for one another, support each other, and set up the future for all of our children.  Until we grab this concept, we will not grow how the Lord needs us to grow as a Kingdom.

Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
Isaiah 9:7

What is the Kingdom?

The Kingdom of heaven that we will experience is an extension of our Father's heavenly Kingdom.  We are supposed to be living it in this life as well as in our eternal life.  It is a place of a government that has its own culture, it's own system of currency, it's own law, its own court system, it's own army, and it's own education system . . . etc.

The Kingdom is here.  It is beginning to grow, if we only apply the concepts that are in the bible to our lives today.  We are a family that belongs to the Kingdom!!!  The Lord says that "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven . . ." (see Matthew chapt 6)

The Kingdom is a government:

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

God extended his self in this earth by creating an extension of himself as Jesus Christ.  He had to become flesh, then die, in order for his spirit to operate legally in this realm.  If you continue to read this blog you will get a better understanding of this supernatural concept.  Jesus is God.  Jesus has brought his Kingdom to earth to overtake the false worldly Kingdom of the enemy.  The enemy's Kingdom has no real promises attached to it!!  It is a false government that only leads to death, hell, and separation from our one true God; our counselor, our everlasting Father.  What you expect from the world is not what you get.  Family, come out of this system because you are meant for more!! Let those who have an ear hear what the spirit of the Lord is speaking to you.

The Kingdom is a Life Style and a Culture

Someone said something very encouraging at our family reunion this weekend that just stuck with me . . . She said something like this:

"The promises of Jesus and everlasting life is a package deal.  Your salvation is a package deal.  It is like when you go on vacation to a fancy resort; it is all inclusive . . . so when we think about heaven and everlasting life, we should expect and live in the abundance of this life as well.  Jesus died so that we may have life and have it more abundantly.  We are made free by the blood of Jesus. . ." (paraphrased) -Mary Paramore

God's promises are a package deal!!!

Your lifestyle should be a reflection of the Kingdom.  What do you believe?  What do you put your faith in?  What do you expect from the Lord?

The Motivation for Monday:

You do not have to live a defeated life.  You are part of the Kingdom!!!  You are a part of the Heavenly family.  You are under the blood of Jesus!!!  

I'm living the package deal.  I will no longer pay for things that should be all-inclusive.  I expect to receive and live the standards of the promises of God.  I read the brochure (the bible), and I am ready to live the Kingdom Culture!

Like my southern family would say 

"I'm Ret-ta-go,"

(not "ready to go," but "ret-ta-go" with a southern twang)

Heaven, my bags are packed.  My oil lamp is full. My father has a big celebration party ready for me when I get there.  My place is set! I'm RET-TA-Go!"

"What a reunion it will be!"

-Janice Gailord

But first, we all have a message to spread about the Kingdom of Heaven . . .

The Kingdom is a Family

Some of us are blood already, decedents of covenant blessings.  Some of us are already of a royal blood, but can only be made free from our bondage if we accept salvation from Jesus Christ.  We must be found and restored by the blood of Jesus.  

Others of us are adopted into the family.  But when the heavenly father adopts you, it is not a step-father relationship.  You are his and he is yours.  When you are adopted in, your brothers and your sisters do not treat you any differently. When you become part of the family, you are part of the Family!  So Welcome one and all.  Welcome Back to those who have lost their way.  Welcome back to those who desire and hope to operate in Kingdom blessings.  You have the support, the love, the encouragement from your family to live your best life now and into the next!!!

I want to encourage you to develop your relationship with the Lord.  I leave you with this last quote from my cousin Rev. Eugene Paramore:

"When you develop your relationship with the Lord and he becomes special to you, you find out that he is special to a whole lot of other people too!"

Be blessed and remember to live your life on purpose.

Until next time.

I thank God for a beautiful Family!
Paramore Family Reunion 2018