Monday, September 18, 2017

Have you Heard of the Term Apologetics?

I was talking to a friend recently and we started discussing our growing interests in Apologetics.  I am a bible believing Christian and this was not a term that I was familiar with until about a year ago.  The Holy Spirit started to guide me in the vicinity of the term when I started to study the bible more.  So this is my attempt to briefly introduce you to Apologetics . . .

What exactly is Apologetics?

In short, Apologetics is the attempt to formulate and present an argument, or to argue in favor for something.

A Christian Apologist is someone who defends the faith of the Gospel.  An argument or discourse is usually formulated in response to questions like "Why do you believe what you believe, or how can you possibly believe that?"  When questions like these are raised, an Apologist proceeds to share evidence that supports his beliefs of the Word of God.  Of course there are many forms, techniques, and mediums to do this, but that is the gist of it.

Apologetics is then the practice of making a detailed, scriptural based, theological, philosophical, conclusive argument of why the bible is the only inspired, infallible authoritative word of God.

It is not until recently that I have come to realization that I am doing what many apologist are doing, I'm presenting the evidence that displays the truth.  I'm explaining why the word of God is right, and why Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.  At least that is one of the things I attempt to do in this blog.

I am no expert.  I believe that I am in training.


We are all going through a process of training. Each and everyone of us are being painted; being created into who God needs us to be. It is our duty as Christians to give our life to God and let him use us . . . this is our reasonable service. The message that I would like to present to you in this post is this: God doesn't have to prove anything to us, yet he tells us to test his word in order to see if it is true. How do we do that? By believing in it and living it. When we do this, we will see the manifestation of all the blessings of God.

When we as believers, successfully let God change our heart, he will teach us how to defend his word.  He will teach us how to present it, how to teach it, and how to prove that it is truth. The word of God provides all the answers that we seek.  We have a responsibility to live the word of God  in order to proof it to others.   Understanding this, is to understand the essence of Apologetics.

There will be a time coming when so many people at once will be running after the truth.  Current believers have to be strong enough to teach the word, the real word of God.  We have to be prepared so that we can prepare others.  The strong in God will instruct many.

I used a quote from an apologist that I follow because God truly is using him to the fullness of his teaching talent, Ravi Zacharias.  I had no idea how Apologetics was applied in a conversation or a debate until I heard him speak . . . just awesome!  God gives him an answer for every question that the world throws.  He answers the hard questions that people can't quite wrap their understandings around when they try to understand God without knowing God.  Questions like, Why does God allow suffering, war, and death?  If God is all powerful, then why doesn't he just fix all the problems in the world?  Why is God so angry?

You can check him out on YouTube.  Here is one link that you can check out if you want to get a better understanding of what Apologetics is about.  In this clip Professor Zacharias answers the question: How do you know that Christianity is the one true world view?

So, Apologetics can be displayed and used differently.  The main goal is to prove to non-believers that the word of God is for real.  It is to help build the faith of those who are not so sure, or always searching for another truth.  The Bible is all truth.  It holds so many answers in it but the world just doesn't want to hear it.  Apologetics allows the Word of God to reach the ears of people who are overly intellectually competent in worldly knowledge.  Presenting a well supported historical, scientific, theological argument allows people to really think critically about the content of the bible.

Being a teacher, I understand that children learn differently, at different speeds, and with different conceptual understandings.  Like children, adults have their own learning style.  Our God is so awesome that he allows and equips his people to teach the nations according to their needs.  Apologetics is a pedagogy that the world needs in order to convince them that God is the one true and living God.  He is the creator, the Alpha and the omega.  Additionally, he himself came down to earth in the form of a man, named Jesus, so that he could redeem us from our sins which separate us from him.  He does this with the power that is himself,  the Holy Spirit.

I don't need proof of this.  Why?  Because I just have Faith!  But if you need proof, keep researching and listening to Apologists like Ravi Zacharias.

I hope this was helpful.  I also provided a link to the website that I used as a reference.  Check it out because it gives you more of a history and a rational of what Apologetics is, how it is used and why it is used. Check it out. 

There is so much more to say, but like I said I was trying to be brief.  God bless you.
-Until Next Time

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