Monday, February 18, 2019

Motivation for Monday: You are a winner!

I just wanted to right a quick post about how things will not always work out the way that we want them to, but they will work out in the end.  If  things are not alright, then it is not the end. . .

We are seeing a lot of crazy things happening in this world.  You may hear things like: "It's the end of the world," or "The rapture is soon to come."   People get so worried and so scared about what is going on in the media that they can't focus on directions given to them by God. They are paralyzed in fear. . .  But the Lord says:

The End is NOT Yet! 

The news is not going to cover the peace, the healing, the power of God moving in the people.  The news is not going to let you know that there is a spiritual awakening happening amongst God's people.  Let me tell you that the time is now!  I encourage you to listen to my book on You tube to get an understanding of where we are in the times.  Search # AT4P.

I have been thinking a lot lately about my next move in my career.  I want to be able to inspire people and motivate people to live their best life.  I want to let them know that even when days seem the darkest, there is a light.  There is always another step to take even if that step seems heavy.  I have to believe that our trials make us stronger.  Our losses prepare us for the wins.

Here is your Motivation for Monday

You are a winner

So Keep Winning

Here is the thing.  We can get a lot of signals telling us that we are not getting very far in our life.  When we compare our success to other people, we can tend to feel burdened by a need to do more and be more.  The Lord has been talking to me lately about how I put so much pressure on myself to be the achiever that I miss out on the most important things that I should be working on.  For example, I have a tendency to neglect myself in order to meet the needs of other people.  I tell people yes when I really want to tell them no.  I often put my kids needs on the back burner for other people.  The Lord told me that I needed to stop.  If I wanted my life to change then I needed to change my perspective.  The idea that I adopted is that I am worth my own time.  My needs are just as important as someone else's requests for me to complete.  My family is a priority and there for I am a priority.  If I don't take care of myself then how can I take care of my family. My growth is more important than any body else's plans for me. My worth is more than anyone's opinion of me. I am a winner and I need to start acting like a winner.

I am going to start acting like a winner!

The thing is no one knows you like you know you.  No one knows you like the Lord knows you.  This is why it is so important to get in a relationship with him so that he can tell you the areas that you need to work on. I have a lot of areas to work on, everyone does!  But your faults don't mean that you should be losing. Let's work together to adopt a winner mentality.

No one knows you.  No one has the right to try to project their opinions about you onto you.  It is not anyone's right to direct you because they have an idea of how you fit into their vision.  NO!  It is ok to have your own dreams and it is ok to have your own vision.  It is ok to start acting, looking, presenting, learning and growing as a WINNER!

What does it mean to be a winner?

The winner mentality is simply this:  You find peace and happiness in any situation because you trust in God to provide your every need.  You believe that Jesus will teach you and direct you through every trial.  You seek after the Kingdom and everything else falls into place.  You have confidence always because you know that you are a child of God and that you have already won!  You already Won!

You're a winner!

Keep pressing towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God!

There are rewards in this race!

. . . seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and these things will be added unto you.

I am so excited about the Kingdom.  Sending you love always.  Remember to live your life on purpose.  You are not like everyone else.  You have changed your mind about how things work in this world and that seems weird to people.  That is okay.  You are a winner, and that's weird!

Check out this great podcast that I found as suggested by Rachel Hollis:  It is called the Dave Ramsey Show where he gives great advice about how to handle and manage your money.  The episode that I just finished listening to was called:

Winning isn't Easy. It's Weird.

Download Sticher for free and listen to great shows about what you need to know about living your best life.  You are a winner and not everyone is going to understand that.  It is going to be weird to them that you no longer do what they tell you to do.  Instead, you do what the Lord tells you to do.  This is why we are here on the Earth, to follow the will of our God. . .

Love you Much
Until Next Time

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