Monday, January 29, 2018

Motivation for Monday: Our Life Mentor is God

Dear Friend,

I want to offer you peace over your day today.  Sending good vibes and an apology.

I have come to realize that I have many faults and one of those faults is failing to correctly communicate with you the amount of love God has for you.

I don't want to shout, or demand your repentance; I just wish to convey to you that I love you very much.  This love comes from the creator.  The creator has given me a job to do and I am still in training on exactly how to do that job.  I want to encourage you this morning and assure you that everything is going to work out for your good.

It is part of my job to motivate you to live your life to the fullest.  However, I think that many people have the wrong idea about what that really means.  Yes, you have a purpose, yes you have a destiny, and yes you have a choice to live your life the best way you know how.  The flaw, however, is thinking that your way to live your life is the right way.

Now,  reread that previous paragraph and it all sounds pretty confusing.  It may even sound a little condemning.  You may ask yourself, "how can she say that I have a destiny to fulfill and a right to fulfill it, but then say that I should not trust my self to make the right decisions for my life?"

I know, sometimes it is too much . . .

A lot of  us don't want to hear that Jesus loves us, or that God created us, because then that would mean that there is a higher authority then just ourselves.  Many of us don't want to answer or submit to someone who can have control over our lives.  Hence, I can see how many view Christianity as a controlling religion.  For this I apologize.

Why are those Christians so persistent?!

I am a Christian, and I am persistent because I have come to know the truth about our creator.  Basically, he is real.  God is now showing me how arrogant that may sound to people.  This puts people off, this pushes them away from Christ instead of drawing them near.

I Don't want to hear about Jesus!!

This statement really translates to: " I don't want to be controlled by anything, I just want to live my life"

The thing is, I don't judge you on that thought.  I no longer put you in a box of "unbeliever" and just forget about you.  I used to feel the same way when my mom used to talk about Jesus.  I was just trying to share with her some real problems that I was having;  I wanted to talk it out, and she wanted to pray.  It made me feel uncomfortable, skirmish even.  God told me not to forget that feeling.

Today, I love the Lord, and so I spend time with him.  This relationship that I am building with the Lord doesn't feel anything like mind control, or religious duty, or extreme limitations on living.  I write this blog because I enjoy it.  It is worth spreading the word of God so that people can realize that there is a better life then the one we are living now.  There is a better way.

The reason why our world is the way that it is today, is because of the way that we think as a people.  We all want to have control over our own lives because we are convinced that we know best.  However, we only prove that we don't make the right decisions, that we make a lot of wrong choices, all of the time.  We have regrets, and then we learn from our mistakes, and we try to do better, but our better is never good enough.  Not really . . .

Do not be confused by this, this is what we are supposed to be doing!  We are supposed to live and we are supposed to learn.  We are supposed to fail, hurt, and remember.  We are supposed to learn from our mistakes.  We are supposed to change our minds about what we do wrong everyday.   We are supposed to feel the feelings that we feel, identify them, and move on. This is growth.  This is living. . .

Wouldn't it make sense that an older, wiser mentor would be there to help us through all the things that we did wrong.  Wouldn't it be more convenient to us to listen to that mentor so that we can avoid the things that will hurt us or hurt others.  This is not control, this is love.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that whosoever believe on him, shall not perish but have everlasting life . . .


I accept this promise of everlasting life and I thank my creator everyday for the opportunity to live a happy life. 

God didn't send Jesus to condemn the world, to point the finger, or to make you feel worse then you already do.  God sent his son so that, through him, you can have an everlasting life.  Your creator doesn't want you to be lost forever, longing to be with him.

This is really what you desire . . . you are desiring a relationship with your creator.  What you do not desire is a relationship of control . . . I am here to tell you that that is not what God is about.  God is a giving God.  He is a God of love and compassion.

I apologize if you have ever felt hurt by the church, by a church member, or by a Christian trying to do a work for God but instead offends you.  The Lord said this will happen, but it hurts him deeply that we all are hurting the way we are in this world.  No one is addressing the real problems.  We just keep suppressing our feelings and trying to live "normal."  This is not living. God wants you to live a more fulfilling life with him.

He loves you, so here is the motivation for this Monday:

Live your life to the fullest.  You have a purpose, yes you have a destiny, and yes you have a choice to live your life the best way you know how. Let your creator show you how because he wants you to succeed at this life and in the next!

If God be for you, who can be against you? Live your Life on Purpose.

Until Next Time

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