Monday, March 11, 2019

Motivaion for Monday: Doors will Open

Friends I have some news. . . I am moving on.

I am getting ready for the shift . . .

I had so much fun working on this blog and I love sending out motivation to encourage and uplift.   It has recently come to my attention that I have a lot of content that no one is looking at.  I really have a mind to work and get the word of truth out to as many people as possible.  I had to stop and think about why this is happening.  Why is this blog so unsuccessful in it's reach?  I think that I just need a new strategy.  I have to figure out where the Lord wants to take me from here.

This is all a part of the 

One thing that I have learned from writing this blog is that it is so very necessary to remain open and flexible.  This is a major key to the Kingdom.  We are in an unstable world.  Hence, we have to be skilled enough to adapt to the current times and navigate ourselves through them.  The writing of this blog was to build my writing ability up, reach people who needed motivation, and start a community of believers. It was also to help wake me up and wake up others. The thing is, not everyone wants to wake up.  They want to remain sleep to the changes that are going on in the world.  People enjoy sleeping, especially when life is hard.

When the Lord says move, we must move.  We have to get ready for the next thing.  We must be flexible, unset in our ways, but obedient to God's ways.

It is time to make a major shift in our thinking!

I have been talking this year about mindset and having the right thinking.  The Lord is telling us that he is the one that changes mindsets.  He has workers all around.  He is the one to set the minds of his people in the direction that they should go.  So, just go with it!  I want to leave you with some things that the Lord has placed in my heart about mind set and going the next level.  Basically, we have to be able to shift.

Laziness brings on deep sleep and the shift less go hungry. . . Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare.

Proverbs 19:15
Proverbs 20:13

Friends this is a very important part of life history.  We are entering into a spiritual season that requires a shift in mindset.  It is not going to work if we stay in the same slavery mentality.  We have been made free.  We are escaping from Pharaoh's control and we have entered the wilderness.  Who has the mindset to find the promise land? I want to go!!  I know that we all can build up the right mindset if we just turn to the word of truth and keep going.

But I recognize something. . .

I recognize that we are all very disconnected, trying to have our individual voices heard instead of finding a collective voice.  We are shouting and wasting our energy in our perspective corners.  We need to get together, come together, work together and create a new language.  We need a language of connectiveness and unity.

I am getting ready to find unity.  This is what I am looking for.  This is something that I am searching hard for.  I know that I need help, everybody does.  We try to take on too many things at once.  Often times we are too busy and we forget to ask for help.  Friends, God is our help.  Jesus is our help.  We must learn the language of the kingdom so that we can make it through this time.  We are supposed to shift. . . We really have to know and trust God for provision.  We really have to know and trust God:  If he be for us, Who can be against us?

Do you know who my father is!!!?

This reminds me of something that happened this weekend that both annoyed me and taught me something.  I was at my kids' indoor marching band competition, where I became a parent volunteer to watch the gym doors.  The things was, these were not entrance doors for the patrons, these doors were to remain clear for the performers, and their equipment.  So, there were four little girls that were trying to enter these doors that were supposed to be closed to the public.  I gently peeked my head through and said "Sorry hunny, you can't walk through these doors while the groups are performing."  
The oldest of the four, and I assumed the oldest because she was the tallest.  With much attitude and matter -of -factness replied to me. . .

"Well, my dad is the principle of this school."

I replied, "Well, you can't walk while they are performing, so you have to wait. . ."

There were other words exchanged, but to keep it short, the little girl was very annoying.  And at the same time she was very confident in who her father was, his authority, and his accessibility to the events that went on at that school.  I eventually did let them walk in after the performance was finished.  Not a big deal. . .

This is how Kingdom Kids need to be for our father in Heaven.  We have to have confidence that our Father will provide, that he will open doors, and that he will grant access to where ever we desire to go.  We have to know who our father is. This will take a shift in mindset.  My answers to failures, disappointments, and hurt feelings are now:

"Well, my dad is the creator of this world."

Who will come together?  
Who will humble themselves and realize that no one is better than the next person?
Who will realize that we all need each other?
Who will admit that we all need Jesus?
Who will claim the authority of their father in heaven?
Who will be successful in the shift?

Here is your Motivation for Monday:

Doors Open For YOU

When you follow Jesus (the son who reconnects you to the father, who is the one orchestrating the changes in this world)  you will always be prepared for the changes.
You will always be prepared for the 

With that, I love you with the love of the Lord.  
You can catch me on my website, where I will continue writing and sharing the word of God. . .


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