Monday, November 5, 2018

Motivation for Monday: You are a leader

I just wanted to encourage you today by saying Good Morning!  God woke you up this morning and so I understand that he has something for you to do.  There is an assignment on your life.  There is a reason why you are still here.  Hey, beautiful you, don't you know that you are designed to bloom into something spectacular!  Stop believing the lies that you are not good enough. Honey, you are special.  You were born to be a leader in your passion.  That is your assignment, so let's get started by understanding a little more about who you are. . .

Here is your motivation for Monday:

You are not an accident

You are an Assignment

You have heard me say it many times before.  You were placed on this earth for a reason and you have a purpose to fulfill.  Please sow this into your spirit as truth.  I pray that there is nothing there that can stop that seed from growing.  However, I understanding that our culture tries to convince us that we are only worthy to do what we are currently doing.  I need to let you know that the Lord has bigger plans for you.  You are supposed to be the head and not the tail.  You are supposed to be above and not beneath. (read Deuteronomy Chapter 28:13).

You will be a leader of your field

Here is the thing: Every person is a leader.  That may sound crazy because the world that we live in has convinced us that there are certain people who lead and others that follow.  We have a misconception that the wealthy, the elite, or perhaps the government and/or politicians are the ones who lead the masses to where they should go.  We actually put our trust in these types of systems.  Some of you may be saying "NOT ME!"  Some of us may even think that we are our own person.  The thing is, we are all conditioned to follow the norm and what is acceptable in society.  There may be a fundamental conflict in your spirit about the idea that we are all leaders.

Again, we are all leaders because God designed us to be leaders.  Now, this doesn't mean that we all start off at the gate as leaders, no, we have to take the time to grow.  Does anyone notice God's design.  He gives us everything that we need,  all we have to do is plant our knowledge, our ideas, and our time into the right environment.  We then exercise our patience and watch it grow.

Look at the flower that started from the seed.  The seed may not look like anything special.  This is especially true if you have it mislabeled and you don't know what it is.  You must plant it in the soil, water it and give it sun so that it can produce roots, a stem, leaves, and eventually a beautiful bloom.  It is only when that flower blooms that we recognize it's value and it's type.  It will share it's beauty for a season then it will go back into the earth.

Some flowers come from a bulb.  It is the same concept except, the design of the growth is set up to store energy while not growing and come back into full bloom year after year.  Everything has a season and guess what; you may be in a family that was already designed to keep coming back in your season.

I digress on this process because the Lord is right now giving me another idea for a book:  The Garden of your Soul . . . or something to that affect.  I love the Lord, he is so awesome!  I pray that you learn who you are and understand that you have potential in you to grow into who you were always supposed to be.  God created you to grow and so he programmed inside of you everything that needs to happen to you so that you continue to grow.

Don't worry about what your situation looks like or if it seems that you are not growing.  If you realize that something is stunting your growth, change your environment, change your way of thinking, change the company that you keep.  You must put yourself in the right environment or nothing is going to change.  It's ok, you didn't waste anytime.  You had to see that  you will not grow in your current situation so that you understand that you need to get in the right environment.  When moving forward, don't look back to where you used to be. A seed will never grow if you don't put it in the soil.  The soil is the right environment.  The seed will never mature if you don't water it and give it sun.  Understand and learn the ways of the Lord by developing a relationship with him.  He will tell you exactly where you are supposed to be.  He will lead you into becoming the leader that you are supposed to become.

I want to refer you to this teaching by Dr. Myles Munroe.  Dr. Munroe was a Kingdom teacher with many books and great wisdom to share the world.  This was probably my 5th time listening to this teaching and I hear something new in it every time.  Learn and study.  Make sure you refer back to you bible.  Understand and learn who you are and remember to live your life on purpose.

Share this will people who you think it would be helpful to.  God bless you. Until Next Time