Humanism: an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.
A neurosurgeon once taught me to visualize my greatness. So, I stand in the superman pose to receive my greatness. I envision my awesomeness, I claim it, and my brain creates paths to achieve such greatness. I am a super, with a super power that many people do not comprehend. The thing that Amelia Shepherd and I know is that that super power is within each and everyone of us. We have the power to envision and create a reality that we feel very passionate about. Whatever is in the essence of your being needs to come out. Circumstances of life that hurt us, however, becomes our kryptonite. Hurt leads to unforgiveness, which leads to seclusion, which leads to depression. Why? Because we are many members in one body. We are all connected and we need other people to survive. There is power in communication, there is power in vocalization, there is power in forgiveness, there is power in relationship, and there is power in love. This power is in each and everyone of us. Everyone is a Super, which means no one is special, which means we should respect the genome.
I am getting ready to write a paper on visualization, a paper that no one will really read and a paper to which I can not write what I really want to write about. It is the paper where I have to argue if visualization is “pop psychology” meaning, is it mysticism or is there real scientific research to support that it is real. I scream at my computer and the idiocy of the question. Everything is real if a person believes that it is real. Therefore, if you get more than one person to believe something is real then the force of that vision becomes stronger. If you get a larger group to believe that something is real then that force becomes even stronger and the growth of that vision becomes reality as each mind is focused to achieve that vision. You must believe it to receive it. So, science friends, it doesn’t matter if some one can observe and or prove the existence of a thing, it is the people who believe it that matters. The people will always create what they believe in and therefore it manifest itself into reality. Anything is real. Any thought has the potential to be real. This is how power of the mind works. But I can’t write this in a paper, although I know it in my spirit to be true. Phenomenology without observable proof is frowned upon in science. However, my stance is justified by faith.
Oh visualization, you are my friend. I pray to God that this world doesn’t have too many crazies over the saints that will visualize the end of the world and the robot take over. Yes, I did say a robot take over, I will explain this later. This is where we are headed if the saints do not speak up for what is right. The sacredness of the son and the kingdom should be what we pray for. This should be what we collectively believe in, trust in, visualize and bring about. This is the mystery that is in each and everyone of us. Part of God’s plan is in you. You are not a god, you are not God, instead you are the carrier of his love. Hence, you are a carrier of his love message. You my friend are part of heaven’s plan to save his people, all people, and all spirit.