I am agreeing with young Elihu who gives all credit of knowledge to our father in heaven. He says:
I am young in years
and you are old;
that is why I was fearful,
not daring to tell you what I know.
I thought Age should speak;
advanced years should teach wisdom
But it is the spirit in a person,
the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.
It is not only the old who are wise,
not only the aged who understand what is right.
Therefore I say: Listen to me;
Job 32:6-9 NIV
I hope that who ever is reading this is taking the time to really listen to me. This world is very confused to where it is going. I am not the one to present my self as super religious although this is the perception that the world paints for me. It is my mission to just share the knowledge of God with you. It is my purpose to tell you the truth. . .
It is difficult to navigate through life with limited sight. This is why I am so thankful to my Lord for directing my path in this life. It is not always the most pleasant journey but it is very necessary. This is a common theme in my writing and I am ready to expand my vision. As you might already know I recently went back to school to study the philosophy of psychology and this has brought me to many drinking wells. I understand the logical reasoning of why scientific studies have gained authority in this world, but I am not convinced that it is the only way to find true full knowledge.
Let me let you in on a little secret:
I am not a smart person . . . my insight comes from the Lord.
It is the breath of the Almighty that give me understanding!
As I work on my mind by experiencing new opportunities and exploring new insights about the world we live in; I am growing my perspective. I conclude that the Lord is the source for all truth and that the bible is forever true. Through all of the research and studies that I have read about the origin of thought, the foundations of consciousness, and the concepts of the mind, there is no better explanation of reality but through the word of God.
How do I grow my mind?
I am taking better care of my self. I spend quiet time with myself. I spend quiet time with the Lord. I make a conscious effort to prioritize my purpose here on this earth. My purpose is to communicate God's presence and design with you and others. Through prayer and meditation practices the Lord brings me to understanding and wisdom that others cannot see. I do not say this to boast but to relay to you that he provides the opportunity for you. He wants to talk to you and communicate with you. You first have to learn his language. . .
Your motivation for Monday is the following
Wait on the Lord and he will direct you where you should go.
Talk to him, he will hear you. He will make himself known to you.
In his breath you will find understanding.
There is so much wisdom in the world but so much lost in translation. There is so much pride in the world that allows some to secure their status and rule under their opinions. But pride blinds men from their growth. Pride stops the mind from seeking the complete glory of God because the prideful mind convinces itself that it acquires by itself. Friends, I pray that one day you will understand that we are all connected. We all share a source consciousness that comes from the Lord. We as individuals are simply translators of God's spirit into this reality of living. Every person's perspective is important. We only get a clearer picture of truth if we first believe in the truth of Jesus Christ, and second respect each person's translation of reality. Everyone sees things different and each individual has a perception of who God is. Some people don't understand that their thoughts, dreams and aspirations come from God. The earth is the Lord's and everything that dwells in it. This concept includes the mind of the people who inhabit this earth.
This whole life is about you gaining a relationship with God.
I was having an online conversation with one of my classmates about the perceptions of reality. We will call her Sarah. We are currently discussing Descartes view of the nature of knowing and perception. Descartes theorized that what we perceive in our current world isn't what is really happening. He went on to explain that our first perceptions are only what we understand to be happening at the present time. Descartes believed that the true nature of understanding truth was to reason through what is seen and prove it through tangible deductive equations such as math and science. Hence Descartes was a big supporter of logical thinking, data, and scientific methods of research. This is part of the reason why our culture relies so heavily on science for the explanation of why things are the way that they are. My classmate, Sarah, gave an example of her perception of a couple at a party. Sarah claimed that she just had a feeling that this husband and wife wasn't experiencing good chemistry at the event. She also perceived that the wife had a better chemistry with a gentleman that was sitting on the other side of the room. To make a long story short, Sarah later found out that the husband and wife were dating other people and that the other gentleman, who was not the husband, was actually the boyfriend the wife was seeing. Although the couple attended the party together in the attempt to fool everyone about the status of their relationship (they didn't want anyone to know that they were dating other people), my classmate said that she sensed it right away through her energetic perceptions.
The following was my response to her:
Wow, Sarah . . . that was awesome perception. As an art teacher I understand that every one's perception is not as developed as yours. For example, the talent of Sherlock Holmes relied on his deductive reasoning skills based on his observation. It was also his ability to easily identify and see things in plain sight that others may not have the perception to see. There is definitely different levels of this skill. As you pointed out, we see things with our eyes and can make conclusion based on our senses. Yes, I also think that people are more intuitive due to the fact that they have awakened their energetic perceptions through spiritual practice. I think when people pray, meditate, or practice quiet reflection, they are more prone to seeing things. It is almost like the world slows down around you and you just understand/see more.
I remember this instance when there was a picture going around on the Internet and it had a caption that read, "This drove me crazy, I can't tell what it is." People made crazy guesses like a fish or a cat fishing, or an old lady in a rocking chair etc. . . I distinctively saw one image at first glance, but assumed I was wrong because it was the first thing that came to my mind. Therefore, I kept looking at the picture trying to figure out what it could be. I turned it upside down, squinted, made it smaller and bigger. I could only see what I originally saw. To my frustration I later found out that it was exactly what I thought it was in the first place!
As an artist, I have a natural talent to perceive reality and translate it to a drawing or a painting. Not everyone can do this with paint, but I think that every person has his or her medium. Some people paint, some people created music while others think and create empirical research studies. Each person has the ability to translate reality into another language (art form). I don't feel that one is more important than another. However I do feel that the influences placed on our culture has made science the authority. According to rationalism and Descartes pursuit of science; we obtain knowledge by testing it through reason (Polkinghorne, 1984). However, through your example I can see how some people just know because of a feeling. I also feel that sometimes I just know things because I can see it different. The key is to be confident in your knowing or else you can waste your time looking for something that you have known all along.
Here is the picture. I saw what it was from first glance.
Scroll down to see answer. . .
Polkinghorne, D. E. (1994). A path of understanding for psychology. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 14(2), 128–145. doi: 10.1037/h0091138
It's a cowboy in a cowboy hat.
Friends, let me tell you what I have known all along, what I have seen, and what I have come to understand as the absolute truth of living:
God loves us and he desires a relationship with us. He sent an extension of himself to this earth so that he could start a communication with you. He wants to talk to you. He wants you to experience his presence, peace, and wisdom.
For the growth of your mind, take time to think about the following:
What will be your creative practice to help God communicate to a world who doesn't want to hear from him? How can you communicate his truth with just a feeling?
I want to thank everyone for reading this blog. I usually go on my hiatus for 4 weeks around this time, but I have made a decision to transfer my energy into my website, my writing, and into school. I pray that God is with you always. Remember to follow the Lord and to live your life on purpose. Stay in touch by visiting me at the site: