Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Draw Close to the Father- this is for you

If you know this blog, then you know I talk a lot about process and growth.

You are in your process of growth.

Right now, even as you read the words on these pages.

I am understanding that not everyone understands this and he/she may start to read something like this blog then think that it doesn't pertain to him.   He may feel inclined to move on.  He may turn the page, skip the site or scroll to the next picture.

However, this is for you!!

Imagine all the things and opportunities that you have missed because in the matter of second you have convinced yourself that it wasn't for you.  And why?

Why can't the good things be for you?

Why can't the deep things be for you?

Why can't the spiritual things be for you?

This is definitely for you, so keep reading . . .

Most of the time when we come to things in our lives that seem uncomfortable, we run away from it.  We think to ourselves, "no, it is not supposed to be that hard." or " No, I don't want to hear that because it makes me feel uncomfortable."  The truth is the things that make us feel uncomfortable grow us the most. . .

This is perhaps why there is so much divorce and the number of divorces is increasing. . . too many people are only concerned with the way that they feel; they never consider the way the other person may feel. And so, when one feels uncomfortable in the relationship, there is an automatic pull for him to find a space where he/she does feel comfortable.  Many of us feel comfortable in the comfort zone.  Everyone's zone is different.  Everyone's zone is false reality but everyone's comfort zone fulfills a fundamental need;  The need to feel secure.  We always run to a false sense of security. . .


I didn't start this conversation to talk about divorce,  I instead wanted to talk about waiting on the Lord and understanding that we need to go through hard things in order to grow.

Also, it is worth the time to read this whole post because it is for you.  You were sent here for a reason so don't stop reading because you think that it isn't for you.  It is for you.  This is why you are here. . .

LOL, just like you are here on this earth, living the life that you are living.  This life is for you, no matter how sucky you may feel in it.  This life is for you to live it and grow in it.

There is a reason for everything.  There is a time for everything.  There is a reason why you had to have the experiences that you had in your life, to get to the very point where you can understand the things that I write.

This Journey will take Humility

Humility allows you to hear the voice of God.  It allows you to interpret his Language and to hear his call.  It allows you to recognize his correction and to identify the paths that he needs you to walk.  Humility is knowing that you do not know the right way, but there is someone who does.  This is who you follow, the one who can show you the right way to go.

Do you have a relationship with the Lord?

If you didn't know already, this is the Holy Spirit calling you to a better life.  This life was meant for you.  What I am typing now is meant for you, yes you.  You are special.  You are uniquely made to grow into the full potential of who you are.  You have everything that you need inside of you, to become magnificent.  You have everything inside of you, programmed inside of you to be great.  You are a seed.  The seed always has the program inside of it, now all that it needs is the right environment and the right kind of care.

It is time for you to let the gardener plant you in the soil, water you, give you light and nurture you.

I have a relationship with the Lord.  I talk to him.  The more I walk with him, the more I know that other people walk with him too.  We see things differently than how the world sees them.  We notice things, we hear things.  It is an amazing life to live.  You can have a relationship as well, this is why you are here reading this.  This is your confirmation that you can talk with the Holy Spirit.

My relationship is my relationship and your relationship with the Lord is your relationship with the Lord.  Start your relationship today.

But what if I am not sure?

I used to get jealous of other people's relationship with the Lord.  Sometimes I felt like there relationship was more intimate, more special, or even stronger,  However, I am learning that everyone's relationship is only as close and connected as that person is comfortable with.  People often back away from something new or different if they are afraid of what comes next.  Also, people tend to run into comfort zones when the relationship that they get in did not meet their expectations.  This is what we do.  We run away from what makes us feel uncomfortable.

God does want a commitment from you.  He is not going to share everything with you at first.  However, as you draw close to him, he will draw close to you.  He made you, he knows you, and he desires a relationship with you.

Don't be afraid of what comes next.

Don't envy what someone else has with the Lord. 

What God has for you is for you.

His love is for you.

Check out these past post that may help you connect with him even closer

There is no condemnation in Christ

Did you really love enough. . .

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