Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Teacher Tuesday: The End is Now

My name is Tamorra and I am the art teacher for purpose.  I write, create, and promote information that will help you find your purpose in life.  I want to encourage you to live your life on purpose by using your gifts, your talents, and your abilities to help expand the Kingdom purpose.  Let us help each other by loving each other.  Let us love as Jesus loves.  Let us help spread his message of everlasting life.


I encourage you to read this blog so that you can learn what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to his people. . .

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I would appreciate any shares so that you can help me spread this message about the Kingdom!!!

This is good stuff and I just want to thank you for your comments, your shares, and for my readers.

I welcome a new start for 2019!!  I am excited about teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven.  I am excited about the coming of his reign here on earth.  However, there are some important things that we will be looking for that will tell us that the end is happening.

Here goes one thing:

The End is Happening Now. . .

You see that was easy, I just told you.

How do I know this?

Because I am not the only one saying it.  There are many of his prophets teaching and instructing many about what they see in this world.  We see a push for pagan rituals, occult practices, and new age philosophies.  Neo-liberal ideas and an "anything goes" attitude is all apart of the enemy's plan to cause chaos.  If he can cause anarchy, he will try to usher himself in with a grand solution of fake love.  This is the love definition that he has conditioned you to believe, the lust-love.  The "do what you will" love.   The everything is ok and acceptable because we should love everybody love. . .


This is a false definition of love.  You can only know real love by understanding and believing in Jesus Christ.  We only know what love is because it is God who first loved us.  We must let people know that this thing is real and that the word of God is true!
We must claim back our minds before it is too late!

This is what 2019 is about for me on this blog . . . taking back our minds . . . Getting our thinking right for the Kingdom.  

This is what is about to happen:

Systems are getting ready to crumble
social constructs/employment

I always thought that the enemy was causing the break down of society, but it is our great king, Jesus Christ, that is destroying the corruption of broken systems.  These world systems are all unfair, deceitful, and divided.  A kingdom divided cannot stand. We are at the point to where the elite knows and sees their kingdom falling and for the last 200 years have been building a new age kingdom solution.  It is a false solution.  Jesus is the only real solution for a reconnection to an eternal everlasting harmonious life with the creator.

It is the end of this age.  The new age kingdom is not going to work.

Because that is what the prophecy says.  Remember the statue of King Nebuchadnezzar in his dream?  Remember Daniel's prophecy?

What does this mean?

This depiction of the King's dream was interpreted by Daniel with out the King even telling him what was in his dream.  The interpretation told about how Babylon would fall and the other great Kingdoms would follow but also fall.  Now, understand that this prophecy was told way before the events had happened in history.  How did Daniel know?  He had communication with God and relayed the message to the world.  Christians should understand that we are living in the time of the divided kingdom (the clay and iron).  These are kingdoms ruled by spirits, principalities, and spiritual forces working against God's purpose.  The only thing that they do is delay what will inevitably happen.  That is the coming of the Christ to destroy those high thoughts and societal standards set by the powers of evil.  This is the blue rock that you see hitting the foot of the statue causing it to fall and crumble.

We do what we must do to survive during this time of destruction.  While the world cries out Peace Peace, understand that complete destruction is coming.

So for 2019, I want to teach about the mind and how to keep living through these times of sorrows.  It is all about the mind friends.

Believe God
Believe Jesus
Believe that the end is here

I just want to thank God for his instruction and his peace.  Remember to prepare your mind so that you will be ready to answer your call.

Until Next Time

ps. I do not write these things to scare you but to prepare you of what is coming.  This is a wonderful time for believers.  We have the opportunity to share the message of Jesus Christ with others so that they may have the chance of everlasting life. . . that is great news!

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